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284 Hours played
Monster Hunter World is a co-op loot gathering action game that i will say its one of the best coop game that i ever played. Why it is that good you asked? I will tell you all the good things and the bad things about it in this review!

I will first address the elephant in the room, or should i say... The big monster in the room, its the combat gameplay. It is really fun and challenging, the game basically has you fighting this big ♥♥♥ monster with their own move set and behavior that you learn and adapt with. It makes every battle feels like an epic boss fight that can last between 10-50 minutes. Just like every loot focus game, when you kill a monster you will get loot that you can combine to make weapons and armors that will make you do more damage and take more damage. With the new higher tier equipment for example, can make the monster fight that you epically beat after an exhausting 45 minutes battle with the lower tier equipment, be beaten in 10 minutes. The best thing about it is that you still feel the excitement of beating it cause it can still hit you, although it hit you with less damage cause of the new equipment, you still feel like you have the challenge to beat it faster and with less damage taken.

Outside of the main combat, the gameplay also has you getting loot from your monster hunt and make equipment from it, i do have to say although i usually don't like a loot-based game cause it can get very grindy. In this game, the combat is very fun that i can tolerate having to grind for loot. It's still a very grindy and RNG-based game sadly. There's some method to lower that grind time like a way to get a coupon that can be traded for rare loot by doing the weekly quest. But it still only lower the RNG part somewhat, since there's still some loot that you can only get by hunting monster and pray to RNG God that you get the loot that you want.

The great thing about this game is how many combinations of playstyle that you can do by using different weapons. There's 14 weapon type in this game and every one of them really changes how you approach to combat entirely. You can use lance and basically be a walking tank, really slow but can block a lot of damage coming to your way. You can bowgun and shoot them from far away and run away when the monster gets closer. You can even fly and comes down just to hit the monster at the right time using glaives. You get the point, there's a ton of different playstyle in this game and each of them can take a while to master. Giving the game a longer playtime assuming that you enjoy the core monster hunting gameplay.

The story its... Okay. I really do try to follow the story and i just lost interest halfway through. The story basically can be summed up to, a group of hunters go to a new world, see a new monster and basically try to fight it all. Other than the main monster, i honestly already forgot why we need to hunt them. The plot really not the strong point of the game and its easily forgettable. But that's fine because most players that play Monster Hunter: World didn't play it because of the story. It will be better to just think that there is no story.

The graphics and music! First is the music, it honestly got the same treatment as the story. Easily forgettable, outside of a few that stand out. I feel like they just put music not to enhanced the experience and more as a sound to make the game less quiet. I wish i have more to say about the music but i don't. The graphics, i will have to say that i play this game on the lowest settings, so it may have really great graphics, but i can't experience it. So, i can't say anything about this one.

The question still remains, is it good enough for your wallet? I will say that its a very good game, despite a few flaws in it. I will recommend it to the fullest if you like action challenging boss fighting game, you will feel right at home with this one and will spend countless hours on it! Recommended!
Meztijin Jun 2 @ 7:43am 
Add me, nice game
next May 31 @ 4:01pm 
ayıp ettin quşçu qardaş
-զu$¢uu Tk May 31 @ 2:31pm 
kim bu amına koyduğumun fare suratlı :esc_possum_back::esc_possum_front: piçi utanmadan birde nick name mi çalmış anan seni doğurmamış orosbu çocuğu sıçmış sıçarken sen ordan tesadüfen çıkmışsın aptal piç kurusu
next May 27 @ 10:17pm 
Çocuklar, geleceğimizin temel yapı taşını oluşturan sarsılmaz müstesna mevkilerde olan geleceğimizin vârisleri, bir çocuk asla hafife alınmamalıdır, çünkü önünde bulunan gelecek onun şekillendirdiği güzergâhta devam eder. :homeworld: çok genç, tıpkı sizin gibi!:woarrose:

Şu anda Gurur ve de Onur çerçevesinde isek, şu anda Çocuk sesleri ve müzikalleri duyuyor isek, bunun tek nedeni Atatürk'ün Türkiye'de "O" zamana denk gelmesinden kaynaklıdır...

{ 23 Nisan Ulusal Egemenlik ve Çocuk Bayramımızı kutlarım! }
next May 8 @ 11:51pm 
pretty good gae)))
Malalas Apr 22 @ 11:55am 
pretty good player)))