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Stepping into the world of cyberpunk, I embarked on the highly-discussed game that had garnered attention for its significant bugs. However, my personal experience defied the rumors, as I encountered only minor glitches that had negligible impact on gameplay.

In this futuristic setting, I naturally gravitated towards side missions, finding them more engrossing than the main storyline – a choice that amused me. Armed with in-game currency, I invested in cybernetic enhancements and cutting-edge weaponry like monowires and mantis blades, which added an impressive layer of sophistication to the gameplay.

The narrative woven throughout the game was compelling, drawing me into the urban landscape with its mix of action and intrigue. I would rate my experience at a solid 9 out of 10, acknowledging the game's ability to captivate through its fusion of elements spanning action, mystery, and futuristic technology.

While the game's NPCs are functional, they lack a certain depth of interaction that could further enhance the immersion. The upcoming Phantom Liberty DLC offers a promising avenue for growth, not only in terms of fresh content but also potential refinements that could elevate the overall experience.

To summarize, my exploration of this digitally-rendered universe was both immersive and engaging, with a futuristic atmosphere, captivating narrative, and a sense of adventure. While I look forward to the prospect of more dynamic NPC interactions, my current assessment remains unwavering – the game deserves a commendable 9/10 rating.
Publicada em 23 de agosto de 2023.
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