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Опубликовано: 20 апр. 2015 г. в 18:54
Обновлено: 25 ноя. 2017 г. в 1:24

What did I just read?
I've been a fan of the Borderlands series since I originally recieved a gift copy of the original borderlands game. I, personally, have been a large fan of both games that I've played (I can't afford the Presequel yet) and I've enjoyed them both. The characters withing the world of Pandora are... very different. It was refreshing to play a game that didn't have as much of a serious design. The little quips that the playable characters say and the way that the characters act make each and everyone of them unique. When playing Borderlands 2 you notice that Gearbox has taken convention and tossed it out then window. With features such as shocking characters and actions that you probably aren't going to find in the living room of a stereotypical 50s suburbian family the game will keep you shocked and in awe at every line, and make you think "Did he really just say that?". But you have to make sure that you're attentive enough and don't just breeze past so you can catch all of the little easter eggs hidden within the game.

Update (25 Nov 2017)
Even after having played for 273 hours (even though I've recently moved on and played 200+ hours of CS:GO) I still love to come back to Borderlands 2 and think that this game defines what a FPS should be. It's a masterpiece that everyone should at least take a look at.
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Комментариев: 1
Super Xands 26 янв в 20:51 
Very noob, hacker EZZ