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Posted: Nov 23, 2016 @ 12:39am
Updated: Jun 10, 2021 @ 1:48pm

A letter for the future generation of gamers and the newcomer

If you're reading this to check if the game is worthy, no matter how many years have passed since then, I wish you to know that I'm representing many Mass Effect fans out there and that my words are the actual representation of what we all feel, for I believe this game will stand the test of time.

You're about to experience the ultimate word on story-telling sophistication, like any classics before it did to remain immortal. The game itself had a lot of technical problems which includes too much ''loading screens'' of about everything you do or walk, wrong faced player camera after a cutscene and even some other design problems, but you may consideer all this unavoidable during the year 2008. Mass Effect was ahead of his times and all ambitious projects are prone to technical problems. What we advise you to do however, is to tolerate all the flaws at first because you will understand soon or later, if given the chance, why this game has created the best and biggest fans in gaming's history. You won't find such friendly people in other games.

Sometimes we just don't want to mumble about technical problems because we strongly believe it isn't just about that and it isn't really important. I refuse to highlight all of the cons and compromise what you're about to experience so I decided to keep things short and objective with the honesty about what really matters. This is coming from an gamer that hates bad programming.

What we all experienced, some at first hand or few trials later:

  • Characters feels real, because they got too many lines and intricate personality. Soon you forget they're fictious and as they're part of your team, your first instinct is to care about them - or hate them - just so you know how perfectly they were written.

    It is so ridiculously good that this applies even for lesser NPCs you don't regularly interact with.

  • The original soundtrack is the work of a master, every single piece of song fits perfectly on any ocassion in-game. All brought to you by Sam Hullick and Jack Wall which they got some inspiration from the 80s sci-fi movies, the best classical source for sci-fi. Such as Blade Runner.

  • The plot was written firstly by Drew Karpyshyn, the real mastermind behind it and it was based on what really works; unexpected turn arounds. No one believes in you but your real friends and that creates this sense of heroism with commitment never done by any game before it. After he left the series, not much hope was left.

  • As with the beginning of the series, ME1 as we call it is literally more RPG than Action. But the action is there and the tactics you can implement are a hybrid mouisture of dexterity with turn-battles when you pause time. It was really similar to KOTOR 2 on all rights.

  • When the music M4 Part II from Faunts plays with the staff roll, you know what you just experienced was an miracle. The proof human creativity, team work and artistic design has literally no limits nor bounds when they're given freedom and the result of that work remains on you.

  • Every game needs personality and an soul. The sophistication I speak about was achieved through the narrative almost in the totallity of it and the majority of your experience will be triggered by human emotions - from the music, plot and the characters and the events e situation - for and to you directly. It's a Bioware signature since ever but better on Mass Effect.

  • There are many positive things left we can't just express if we want to keep this letter on medium and wouldn't ever fit in here.

Farewell. Take good care and always respect this game.

In this letter I wish to write here for the record, so far great promises are coming from Mass Effect Andromeda which is almost releasing. Edited after Andromeda's release: If some of us aren't too happy, you can blame Electronic Arts. We saw it all coming. During Mass Effect 3 closure to our beloved series, they commited an series of abominable mistakes such as rushing the game and its ending for the sake of their gains and also for pure incompetence. We used to respect Bioware better in the past, but the brain power and attitude they used to have seems to have been sold deliberately. Some simply leaved them.

Whatever had happened before and whatever awaits for us up ahead, It is here were it all began and will forever lives in our hearts.

Earth born, Survivor, Infiltrator. Balanced alligment, lesbian rejected by Tali. My name was written on the stars by an Asari archeologist. A Turian marksman was my second in command. Synthesis was the solution.
Originally posted by Shepard to Andromeda Initiative:
We have not other choice but to thrive.

Sincerely, Raziel - Signing off.

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🥀cyb̾eяgơȶhiкa Jan 10, 2021 @ 9:04am 
Thank you :be_good::greenlike: What you said was actually cute. I too dwell in the past :lol: All I got left now.
Two Clicks Jan 10, 2021 @ 8:53am 
Impactful review. Brings back some v. fond memories of this game. It was like watching my first TOS episode way back when. But in a video game. :)
🥀cyb̾eяgơȶhiкa Jan 8, 2021 @ 10:09pm 
Thank you for reading :bheart:
It is as stated in the review.
FruitNDoggie Jan 8, 2021 @ 9:31pm 
I didn't know the first game had technical problems. Doesn't seem to come up very often.
🥀cyb̾eяgơȶhiкa Aug 26, 2020 @ 10:01pm 
Thanks for coming. I remember when i wrote this. My spirit was still shining.
The vintage feeling Aug 18, 2020 @ 1:44am 
Excellent review of a beloved game, my friend!

I wanted to comment earlier but I was in the middle of some calibrations .
🥀cyb̾eяgơȶhiкa Dec 23, 2016 @ 3:14am 
"I don't need luck. I have ammo"
Tarrier1 Dec 22, 2016 @ 11:32pm 
anyways im done here G'night (if its night where you are) and good luck to you i guess
Tarrier1 Dec 22, 2016 @ 11:31pm 
i do blame EA but i also Blame the c u n t s who leaked the entire games plotline that killed alot of plotholes and would have made it the best of the three in terms of story (to most people)
🥀cyb̾eяgơȶhiкa Dec 22, 2016 @ 11:27pm 
I won't go that far, I'll leave that to you. EA rushed the damn thing, Drew left the team, they ordered the game to feel more like GOW, thermal clips slowly became ammo and lots of factors are involved for the final mess but yeah...some felt it, not 'we', I'm loyal. Got all books, saw all plot holes, blame EA.