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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 45.5 hrs on record (42.8 hrs at review time)
Posted: Jul 10, 2020 @ 10:38am

I loved this game. It was super fun to play, it was really enticing in the fact that I kept wanting to play more, and it really brought you into this world of chaos that you, the Rook, have to repair.

The only problem was the ending... I was in a Discord call talking to my friends saying, "I don't want to do the final mission man I don't want this game to end!" Then I actually played the final mission and I turned around saying "I wish I never bought this game or invested time into it." To put it simply... the ending was a little wild, out of order, and makes all the effort time and missions you invested in mean absolutely nothing. It ruined the entire game for me, believe it or not.

If this isn't your first rodeo with Far Cry, give it a try. It's a fun and amazing game to play, but just buy ti when it's on sale. If this is your first time looking at Far Cry games, this is definitely not the first route to go. I would suggest Far Cry 3 first. Just my opinion.
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