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Senaste recensioner av shotgun master cars 2

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11 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
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0.3 timmar totalt
Early Access-recension
The game was good.
Upplagd 11 september 2022.
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17 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
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0.9 timmar totalt
I do NOT recommend this game. ONE thing first.

I am a REPUBLICAN. I support the TROOPS. I bless the flag. I kiss the gravestones of the soldiers we've lost, so when this game places me directly into Gettysburg and has me finger the trinkets and accessories from the graves of this nation's greatest men, I. AM. NOT. PLEASED. Placing my fingers around these objects I don't own is much like placing an unwanted finger in the men themselves. It is a CRIME.

SECOND THING. I am a CONSERVATIVE, yet even I can't believe the frugal nature of these men that only sell metal detectors to you if they deem you of high enough "prestige". Wat the ♥♥♥♥? I am a prestigious man. I graduated from PragerU with a BACHELOR'S in COMMUNICATIONS. And frankly, I wish I had a minor in hand-to-hand combat because I wanna punch somebody after playing this game!

Thank you and goodnight!~
Upplagd 22 april 2020.
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47 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
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0.4 timmar totalt
"No Seat?" is a question with a simple answer, and that answer is, "Hell Fricken Yeah!!!!"

Loveing this game and all of it's tricks. The only problem with this game is the fact taht it rox a little too much! At times I was so pumped that I would yell, "Sick Trick!" in the dead of night and wake up my grandma!

My little girlfriend also loves it! She's too small to play so she stands atop a soapbox so she can use the keyboard and mouse.

Before you freak out, she's 62! She's got a disease. It's called rocking too much!

If you don't like this game, don't add me, don't message me, don't follow me, and DON'T thumbs down this review. I'm tired of grassmen constantly giving me bad ratings on my reviews just because they can't get their tiny heads out of htheir little b-holes. This has been happening for LITERALLY years! Liliputian homunculi, tiny girlfriend having freaks! (I'm an exception)

If you can't ride a bicycle well this game ain't for you. Stick to CS;GO or whatever game makes u feel like a little strong boy because u can't shoo t freaking gun in real life (I'm at the chooting range now)!

Anyways, 8/10. I didn't like the "Dabs," keep that GARBAGE in youtube rewind 2016!

- Dave 2003

Why do we repeat things that we know will not end well? Is it because we think that if we continue to do it, something good may come out of it? Is it because we are scared? Scared of what what may happen if we stop? Scared that if we stop now, we will have to face change?

= This game is actually broken do not buy =
Upplagd 19 december 2016. Senast ändrad 19 december 2016.
Var denna recension hjälpsam? Ja Nej Rolig Utmärkelse
40 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
14 personer tyckte att denna recension var rolig
1.4 timmar totalt
Early Access-recension
"VCB: Why City" Review

When I saw a title in the "New Relases" section that went by the name of "VCB: Why City" in the new releases section, I figured it was just another Grand Tehft Auto knockoff (Lol, you know the kind, Mafia, Jumpix Jump, Watch Dogs, Witcher, Sleeping Dogs, Saints Row, Skyrim, Fallout, Elder Scrolls, Morrowind). But, I did a double take when I learned that this game was a parody of the open world genre! And a great parody it is! The biting satire and wit present in this game's story and dialogue would make Jon Swift himself salivate. If you're not into ironic humor, than go play one of those humourless (like Borderlands, for example!) Lol.

+ The soundtrack, featuring rappers like MC Poh, provides a strong, steady beat, to match the chaotic rhythm of the epic gunfights and battle sequences.
+ Though the main protagonist is male, they sneak in a strong woman in Karina, who acts as a comic foil, yet is clearly independent and ambitious with her work as a streamer!
+ Some jokes push the envelope a little bit (Crude!) But they always do so with a purpose, and will leave even the marble man in "The Thinker" giggling.
+ Challenging driving and shooting mechanics. The weapon spread is calibrated fantastically!

- Fat shaming. There's been too much fat shaming in games, and as a man who is a bit portly (but healthy), I do tend to take offence to these "jokes". Though our weight may be high, we make up for it in heart. Micro-aggressions and punching down.
- There are a few jokes about People of Size. PoS's like myself already take a beating in popular culture—why carry it on into the virtual world. "The Media" treats us bad enough.
- I wouldn't let my child play this game. I don't have one, but I'd start him off on an educational game first!

All in all, this game nails it. For the price, you can't beat it! Three dollars for a great work of satire. These Russians sure know how to make a game! Maybe I'll visit Moscow and ask them for some tips : - ) (I'm working on becomeing a programmer!)

Anyways, Loveing This Game.
A Dave 2003 Review
Upplagd 13 december 2016.
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23 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
18 personer tyckte att denna recension var rolig
0.2 timmar totalt
Early Access-recension
This game is highly inaccurate. I've been the captain of many boats in real life, so I've gotten to know the inside and outside of these vessels. That being said, whenever a boat even emits the slightest whimper, I can identify the make and model of said boat. For example, I spend my leisure time in real life on my 2009 Yahama 190 FSH, an aquatic vessel with a delightful purr that brings even the most hydrophobic lasses crawling the dock. This game has the NERVE to introduce a sport boat, yet the boat itself sounds more like a Scarab jet boat than my precious Yahama. Stuff like that honestly just makes me want to arm myself with a cartoonish hammer and bonk the devs of this game.

Now as far as commercial boating goes, the crimes here are even more pernicious. The Hammerschmidt Shrimpmaster 320 is the standard for fishing boats, obviously. Yet the Hammerschmidt sounds similar to a sustained rhinoceros grunt, echoing through an aluminum tube. If these devs were fisherman, they'd know that. Instead this fishing boat sounds like a baby ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ into an aluminum can. I can't listen to this and not be angry. This horrible mistake could only go unnoticed by the most oblivious of grass men, whose ears are so small that sounds are simply monotone beeps and purrs.

Second point, don't even bother me with a tutorial, I know how to pilot a ship. I've been on boats my entire life. My father was the captain of a large skiff, which he used to fish for crab in the Alaskan Sea. Unfortunately fishing regulations caused him to go broke. I think if the liberal up north are so concerned about the life of freaking fish they should just dive into the sea and life among the crabs, sea snails, and aquatic creatures like Aquaman.


Any real fisherman knows this game is trash created by the aeronautics industry to bring a crappy name to all boating men throughout the world (including the oceans).

Upplagd 12 april 2016.
Var denna recension hjälpsam? Ja Nej Rolig Utmärkelse
31 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
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0.3 timmar totalt
Mix-bligar pon tollo tin mick bagar vengan ponto.

Oh, haha, hello, that's just "this game is freakin sick!" in the Botology language.

Haha, anyways. You're gonna see some haters in the review section, but their problem is that their miniscule cerebellums couldn't calculate the solutions to these ingenious puzzles and sick flicks. Now, listen up. Those of you who are smart men--not dumbasses--will play this game and have your brains tickled by one of the most intellectually stimulating video game simulations of our generation (generation Y, if you will--they say our generation is entitled and lazy, but could their generation make Botology? Checkmate, old men).

Women will love this game too. David has the body of a gorilla which might bring out animalistic instincts in the womenfolk.

Why even put on that Flo-Rida CD when you have Botology's bangin soundtrack. I could've sworn I was partying in the raucous stripclubs of Grand Theft Auto 5. My personal favorite rapper is Mike Shinoda. I wonder if he'd be willing to rap over some of Botology's instrumental beats? That would be a great project. If you don't believe me, take a listen into Botology's menu screen song. Then you'll get it.

Following that point, you could say Botology is 40% luck, 40% will, and 20% concentrated power of sick programming skills.

Buy this game and you have my word!

You will be thrilled! But if you have the brain of a lilliputian homunculi puny small tiny-ass grass man, then you will NOT be pleased. This game requires a bit of thinking, so don't get to drinking (you'll need your brain at 110% max operating power, not like a computer running Windows 10 OS). Kappa.
Upplagd 25 mars 2016.
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38 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
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0.2 timmar totalt
Let me preface this by saying that I am an adventure game expert. King's Quest 1-7? Dominated. Putt Putt? Decimated. Dark Years. World ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Record. Jack Orlando. Let's say, if it was a woman, it'd be spermed right now.

So when the renowned developers behind the masterpiece that was SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS-City of Fools presented me with a new adventure game placed throughout time and space, even allowing me to venture into the future, I knew I was in for a ride, and this ride was one I did not want to get off of, because that ride was a really good ride, and I spent at least 40 minutes in the shower contemplating what my next move was, and that made really excited to continue, but that excitement didn't last long, because I found that it never ENDED, thus making my adventure in this game...

completely ♥♥♥♥.

This game was great, but. I'm not gonna lie, I smoked salvia ten or eleven times during my playthrough—it's the only way to truly experience this game. If you aren't ready to reach the levels of cognitive awareness necessary to defeat this game. You squares who play video games completely cobra simply amaze me. I mean, how can you do it? Boring.

And let me tell you something, I was a librarian. I know boring.

But just like learning the dewey decimal system, this game has a steep curve when it comes to mastering the mechanics. Oh, there's an egg in the refrigerator and sand outside? You have combine them to make a sand egg to properly open the basement spider door.

But for you small-brained, small-bodied, small-legged, small-♥♥♥♥♥♥ grass men, this game should NOT be on your list. Because you'll run to your miniature parents crying your miniature tears which will roll down your miniature face. Liliputian homunculi. So this is for you shoe house dwellers. Stay away.

And to these tiny hand having, tiny toe having, little ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ that wrote reviews before me. Top This, or ride your ants on out of town, sitting on those stupidly small saddles.
Upplagd 17 mars 2016.
Var denna recension hjälpsam? Ja Nej Rolig Utmärkelse
347 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
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0.5 timmar totalt
In 1979 I was serving as a park ranger in the northwestern quadrant of Yellowstone Park. My partner Steve was sick with typhoid fever, and I was serving my shifts alone. I got a call in the morning that some campers (who were camping ILLEGALLY) had spotted a grizzly bear within 100 feet of their campground. As a devoted ranger, it was my RESPONSIBILITY to protect these people. When I responded to the call, I came upon a campground painted with the blood and guts of these park visitors. I almost VOMITED in pure disgust. Little did I know, the grizzly bear that had committed this atrocious act of violence was still lurking amidst the trees only meters away from where I stood. He must have smelled the peanut butter sandwich I held in my pants pocket. He charged at me, tackling me to the ground with a level of force unrivaled by any earthly creature. Luckily, I had a .44 in my ankle holster, which I used to shoot the bear in the neck, as he snacked on my delicious sandwich (later I learned this bear was allergic to peanut butter anyway). Did I flinch or hesitate to destroy this animal? No, because I had to do it to save my own skin. If I had a scud missile I would've used it. Maybe it was perverse of me to open this game, expecting to play this kind-of encounter out from the other side, but regardless, I didn't get to experience any scenario close to the TERROR of my own. Although later I learned that bear was a golden retriever. I lost my job that day, but I could've lost my life. Instead, all I got were childish memes, clearly picked from the mind of a CHILD, not seasoned by the horrors and sights of what MEN like myself have seen within national parks. You grass men seem to think creatures like these are JOKES. They aren't. A bear killed my brother in '92.

The American Grizzly Bear is one of the most formidable animals in any given forest. Its power is unmatched. One strike from its muscular limbs could leave a man dead.

If you're giving a game in which I step into the body of a BEAR, THEN I'D EXPECT TO FEEL STRONG. I'd EXPECT to overpower any fellow animal, much like that giant golden retriever overpowered me. Nature is NOT a joke. People lose their lives. It's not a little virtual playground for grassmen to make jokes about frogs. Liliputian homunculi.

So next time you think about make a game with bears, please depict them with some ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ accuracy. LIfe isn't a meme. Men lose their lives. Golden retrievers (unfortunately) get shot in the throat.

I give this game a 7/10 (I have to admit the frogs were quite humorous).

- Ranger Charles
Upplagd 27 februari 2016.
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108 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
83 personer tyckte att denna recension var rolig
5.9 timmar totalt (0.4 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
This game was a real thrill.

If you didn't like it, you're probably not a furry and you don't respect us at all. This game is a great first step towards progression in the furry game dev industry. Jumpix is a wacky and charming main character. I'd love to see him in a comic or animated show. I couldn't get enough of him. Can I get the name of his voice actor?

Jumpix had a great character model. Not only did he remind me of the great, talented Bugs Bunny, he also only wore underwear which was a bit saucy ;). Added some appeal to the character.

Another thing I loved about this game is the music. The artist who made the soundtrack is obviously an extremely talented musician—I loved the flute. Give the man a raise.

I think the storyline and character motivations for Jumpix are very relatable. There's a lot of symbolism. Why does he jump? It's unclear, but we can draw our own personal conclusions by bringing in our own personal experiences. Why do any of us jump? Because it's all we do before we reach our untimely end? When does it all end? I don't have all the answers, but Jumpix sure got me thinking about it.

So this was a great game for the furry community, and hopefully some of you non-furries will catch on when you play this game and encounter the wacky and wild Jumpix.

"One small step for man, one giant leap for Jumpix,"
- Jumpix (just one of his many memorable quotes)

- Charles (furry and comic writer)

Lilliputian homunculi. Tiny. Small.
Upplagd 15 februari 2016.
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Denna recension har tagits bort av en Steam-moderator på grund av brott mot Steams användaravtal. Den kan inte ändras av recensenten.
97 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
86 personer tyckte att denna recension var rolig
0.6 timmar totalt
(Recension dold)
Upplagd 27 januari 2016.
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