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23.4 hrs last two weeks / 1,889.0 hrs on record (429.6 hrs at review time)
Posted: Nov 22, 2022 @ 4:19pm
Updated: Nov 25, 2022 @ 3:53pm

First of all, let's clear the "pay to win" excuse for most of the negative reviews. This game is NOT pay to win, period.
I have not paid a single penny for in-app purchases and I was able to reach the highest rank doing minimum crafting and without playing a single meta deck or following any advice or tutorial. I did buy the 3 DLCs on Steam at a 90% discount but I did it for the purpose of owning them and they had no impact on the way I played the game.
Sure, those who want to pay real money to get a chance at unlocking powerful cards fast can do so, but that is totally optional and doesn't guarantee your win nor is it needed to advance your progress.
Again: This game is not pay to win, it does have some problems but this is not one of them.

Now that we got the money thing aside, let's talk about Kards.

The first time I ran this, it was obvious that it is a labor of love and I was honestly waiting for the Steam awards so I can nominate it and write this review (not that it matters, but it felt suitable). The attention to detail that it has cannot be done by anyone unless they are passionate about card games and WWII.

Aesthetics: From the first match I was blown away by how this game nails the visuals and sounds. The cards are so beautiful and easy to distinguish from each other, each nation from the currently available 8 has it's own card design style and you can view each card and read about its historical relevance, see the real picture that inspired its design and even see the name of the artist and the source. Every now and then, I find myself just looking at the cards and reading about them, They are mostly inspired by WWII propaganda posters or patriotic drawings and I'm seriously considering getting some posters of these drawings or print them on T-shirts or so, the visual beauty also extends to the tables, the menu and icons. It also nails the sounds which is not expected for such game, each unit type makes a unique sound when it gets deployed, move or attack and the sound even differs depending on the unit itself. I can literally make my whole review about the aesthetics because it is that good.

Gameplay: Much more simpler and easier to understand than any other multiplayer card game that I have played before. The cards have simple effects that you can read in a few seconds and there are no complex synergies so hard matches end up being about mind games, prioritization and luck more than anything else. This can be off putting for players who are looking for more complex mechanics or more draw control but I believe the game is more fun this way.
What most players complain about is the meta, the higher you level up the more you face opponents who use the same decks that has a relatively high win ratio which in return makes you have less fun the more you rank up. This is correct but the truth is that every multiplayer game has its own meta and there are no easy solution for such problem, the devs do release balance changes and the meta keeps shifting and I don't consider that a big negative for the game.
Another thing that some free to play players complain about is how slow it is to unlock new cards once you get past a certain point of the game (about 20 hours), I say Kards is designed to be a slow game and that's part of its appeal. It doesn't bother you with systems that encourage to get addicted, it has only 7 daily login rewards and you don't even have to log in everyday in order to claim them, after that you get one mission a day that you can finish in a couple matches. Still you can unlock every card in the game for free and grind free, it'll just take hundreds of hours. On the other hand, I see some players who have been playing for years complaining about unlocking most cards in the game and that they don't have much to do with their in-game currency. For me, the economy system in the game is more than fair for a free to play game (although a bit unclear for beginners) and if you tie your fun to unlocking new cards then you're missing the whole point of playing it.

Deck building: The game has an easy import thing where you can copy/paste decks but I have never tried it. Other than that, manually building a deck is a time consuming hassle because the filtering system is basic so you can't view just the cards that you need to include in your deck so you'll spend a lot of time scrolling through pages of cards in order to see the card you need. Still it's not a huge deal but after years of the game being released, I think a better filtering tools should already be part of the game.

Summary: I wanted to write more about Kards but since it's a free to play game, the best way to experience it is by playing it and I surely would have played it the day it was released if I knew it would be this good. Kards gets most things right and the few things that aren't are nothing but minor inconveniences, it is a beautiful, entertaining and mature game that respects itself and its players and I love it and I want to keep playing it in the future and I encourage anyone who's even mildly interested to give it a try. It's also worth mentioning that they hold a tournament every month where the best players compete against each other and the live stream is very entertaining to watch.
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Caesar Feb 27, 2023 @ 1:25pm 
No buddy, you have to force yourself into replaying in order for it to be a grind (so climbing the Officer's Club ladder is a grind but hitting OC is not), the 600+ hours I have is because I've been playing almost everyday for over a year and there were months where I only played for the daily missions and still hit OC before the month's end.

Literally, every F2P game with in-app purchases has many reviews claiming they're P2W, in this game however I can see how easy it is for those who lack patience or the will to learn to complain about it, just watch a match between a top player and a bad player playing the same deck and you'll see how skill determines the result. I would share every deck I play to show you that non of them are meta decks but I couldn't care less for complainers, I just don't want new players to get discouraged by bitter reviews.
Heathcoat Feb 27, 2023 @ 8:19am 
You are confused about the term 'grinding'. It just means playing a lot to get the unlocks (or in this case cards to build better decks). You have 640 hours playing, so that is grinding. Your entire post and responses just scream 'another guy who works for the company giving a review as part of his job', something VERY common in the steam reviews.

I would tell anyone reading this thread to consider that hundreds have claimed it's pay to win, but you are the only one saying it's not. As I said, you dont have to spend money, but you will be grinding. When the OP says he never played a meta deck but made it to the top tier, I call nonsense.
Caesar Feb 22, 2023 @ 8:19am 
@Heathcoat I've not grinded a single match, only played when I wanted to and haven't played a single meta deck.
Heathcoat Feb 22, 2023 @ 8:10am 
Can you win without paying money? Yes, but it means massive grinding to earn the cards you need. You can pretend that it's all about skill, but gamers know this game is all about getting the right cards to build these high win decks. All of these card games do the same thing, they start out with a fun balanced game but with each new set they make the cards stronger and stronger, so if you are hooked on the game you must buy to keep pace (or grind like crazy, which is obviously what you did). FTP games ruin their own games to turn a profit, then just build another one like it and rinse repeat.
Caesar Jan 28, 2023 @ 4:27pm 
@Goodfield I've never aimed to compete on ladder but I always hit officer's club and I played a custom Soviet deck (not control) right from day one. I rarely play Japan agro and I can make any deck I want and craft all necessary cards all that as a F2P player. I don't know why would I need to pay for anything other than cosmetic items.
Goodfield Jan 28, 2023 @ 3:02pm 
Sry man but there is of course a heavy Pay to win part of this game. if you want to play anything else than Japan Agro in any form, anyways. shure there are other cheap decks, but i promise you with a full collection i will beat you 7/10 Matches. and im not a Nuka Person, i am a Top 100 regular.
Caesar Jan 11, 2023 @ 3:13pm 
@Nuka, You only played the game for 7 hours so you definitely don't have any patience. Also, it's a common mistake for new players to buy the 150 packs (which you shouldn't buy at all). I'm planning to make a simple guide on how to optimally use resources to unlock cards.
Nuka Cola Jan 11, 2023 @ 2:34pm 
This game is example of why free to play games are bad, really bad. I would rather pay once 50 dollars and have functional game without paywalls, slowdowns in progress, unbalanced games, locked arenas.. this game is not worth. There is almost everything in store for real cash only, you get like 10 gold for game and 150 is for one pack. Who have time and patience to go trough so many games to get one pack? It's not worth, avoid it
Heathcoat Dec 29, 2022 @ 7:29am 
Very well worded commercial
mahlie Nov 23, 2022 @ 2:41am 
detailed and well written, descriptive review. your review makes me want to play it eventough this game is definitely not for me.