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기록상 41.1시간 (평가 당시 10.0시간)
Always was a big fan of the Nazi Zombie games (so happy to see them all redone and packaged together) without actually ever playing any of the base sniper elites. This is just damn good fun, I shot hitler in the nuts and then dropped a sub on his head. The graphics are decent, although for a AAA cost I'd expect better textures and variations on the actual skins for the pc. Playing with a friend or two and even though the faces are different the actual rigging and everything else is exactlyt he same. Still we all got it on sale for I think 40 for EVERYTHING which I think is fair. The X-Ray has only gotten better as rebellion has made more sniper elites, and man there's just something great about shooting a person in the nuts and then watching that bullet tumble and kill another person. The levels are almost too big, the first time we played we had no idea just how giant the map was. The AI isn't the best, and there's way too many explosive items around every single map (except for defense mode). It is also way too easy if you play with aim assist empty lung (aka the zoom in and slow down time mechanic) as it shows you EXACTLY where that bullet will go. But you can turn that off and rely on the range mechanic (automatically applies changes to your sight based on how you set it). It was always hard on Nazi Zombie Army to compensate for 150m + kill shots, so it's nice to have the adjustment in SE4.
Highly recommend this game, but only if you get it on sale.
2017년 8월 10일에 게시되었습니다.
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