Lourenço Soares   Lisbon, Lisboa, Portugal
If you do not leave a comment on my profile stating why you want to add me (and I mean tell me properly, not just "I want to talk to you about something but I won't tell you until you add me"), I will very likely ignore the friend request. If you want to add me just "to be my friend", then please don't. Trust me, you won't get time to game with me. There is only so many people I can add before I do not know anyone in my friends list. Sorry.

I'm not really interested in work now, both because I'm currently doing a Masters Degree (so I don't have the time) and because I have so many personal projects. I got Steam to play games and interact with friends...

I am always happy and willing to answer programming or modeling related questions at any time, but please do not add me if you're expecting me to give you entire tutoring lessons. See the paragraph above this one regarding why.

You probably know me for my mods for Garrys Mod and Doom, but I do other stuff too. I mostly program LUA, GML, ACS, Java, C/C++,C#, and sometimes do 3d modeling + animation. I tend to joke a lot, especially at the wrong times, and I sometimes act like an idiot, but other than that, I'm a great guy (I think (My mom says I'm cool)).

I am also a wannabe game developer.

My favorite video games are:
2. Shadow Of The Colossus
3. Mystical Ninja 2: Starring Goemon (Goemon's Great Adventure if you're in the US).
4. We Love Katamari
5. Star Wars: Battlefront 2
6. SpaceChem
7. Garry's Mod

HitGub [github.com]
NotPunch [knockout.chat]
Coderhire/Scriptfodder/Gmod Store/Whatever it's called nowadays. [www.gmodstore.com]
Send hate mail to: buu342@hotmail.com
Currently In-Game
Deep Rock Galactic
Recent Activity
109 hrs on record
Currently In-Game
24 hrs on record
last played on May 19
Demo May 2 @ 5:44pm 
Banters Mar 29 @ 9:31pm 
Hey Buu, just wanting to add to chat about something if we can :)
rampage6701 Mar 28 @ 5:56pm 
Scythe & Velvet Mar 18 @ 3:40pm 
Adding you to ask about your Amnesia oil lamp mod (specifically to get one of the textures for a Garry's Mod adjacent remake)
Scythe Mar 17 @ 7:32am 
Adding you, since I have a technical question regarding your swords addon -> Making it possible to have swords deal more damage to players waring certain models.
WOL Dec 21, 2023 @ 10:46am 
+rep pretty good player