-=BTG=- Delta
Alexey P.   Rosenheim, Bayern, Germany
Habrahabr [habrahabr.ru]
Serviceplan [www.serviceplan.com]
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32 Hours played
This is probably the best game I've played so far this year! Devs just showed how a proper game in cyberpunk
setting should look, feel and play like.
The world is incredibly cinematic and detailed, there is a ton of lore to find and read through. Dialogues are well written and are really close to the original cyberpunk style of writing. Audio is pretty well made too, except for maybe some suboptimal audio mixing (music sometimes fades in and out a bit too aggressive for my taste, and dialogue audio could be louder on 100%).
Gameplay is A LOT of fun, guns are over the top and are fun to play. You will often find yourself swapping for a new gun to try out for a minute, because it just looks like it pack the biggest punch in the whole world, even if you will probably get back to the gun you already upgraded.
There are some minor bugs (e.g. chests that don't open, even though you've got the appropriate icebreaker level), but none of them were game breaking.
Co-op mode works PERFECTLY on launch day, kudos to devs for that!

11/10, probably best game of 2021!
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Stumpeg Feb 20, 2022 @ 12:46pm 
мур мур :poisonheart: