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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 1,670.0 hrs on record (204.1 hrs at review time)
Posted: Oct 5, 2016 @ 12:52am
Updated: Jan 9, 2020 @ 2:01am

Elite receives a tentative Positive Review from me.

-Absolutely stunning game. Graphics wise, it looks amazing. It feels amazing. Everything about this game's art style and and aethstetic just FEELS good.

-Size. 400 billion stars, between about 100 billion systems. A 1:1 scale galaxy to explore and fly around in. It may be procedurally generated, but ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ if it doesn't do a good job.

-VR Friendly. I don't speak from experience, as I do not have a VR headset, but this game in VR has got to look stunning.

-Difficulty. Elite is an unforgiving game. With no handholding, you're thrown into this world with a small, terrible spaceship and told to do whatever the hell you want. It is a sandbox game, but it's a sandbox game that doesn't hold your hand every step of the way.

-Lore. The Lore of Elite is pretty fascinating to read and understand. Almost a miniature game in and of itself.

-Repetitive. This game is, admittedly, a bit of a grindfest. Everything you do is simply to get more money to get bigger and better ships to make more money even faster. I mean, granted that's like every MMO ever made, but Elite is pretty noticeable with it.

-Still kind of in development. The game, as it is right now, is pretty finished, and decently polished, but there's still MUCH that needs work, and still MANY features coming soon™. As time goes on, this problem becomes smaller and smaller, but it's a very real possibility that the answer to "why doesn't elite have x yet" is "because it's in development".

-Not new player friendly. At least, not yet. This immediately contradicts with the difficulty I listed under positives, but that is a double edged sword. For those that enjoy the difficulty and know what they're getting into, this isn't an issue, not at all. But for those who need a bit of guiding in how to go about things and what they need to do, this game can be absolute hell unless you have a friend to walk you through it. This may very well be helped with up and coming updates like Multicrew, where your friend might just be able to throw you onto his ship and guide you through the universe that way.

In summary, Elite's a wonderful game, and I do still recommend it, but know what you're getting into first. If space trucking simulator sounds like a wonderful time to you, pick it up. If you want non-stop arcadey action with no down time, look elsewhere.
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