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Опубликовано: 12 янв. 2020 г. в 22:46
Обновлено: 8 июл. 2023 г. в 9:43

Middle-Earth: Shadow of War the second game from the Middle-Earth franchise that tells us the story of Talion, a Guardian of the Black Gate, and Celebrimbor, The forger of the Rings. As I think that's clear, all the plot happens in Middle-Earth, the universe created by J.R.R Tolkien in his books (The Hobbit, The Lord of The Rings, and The Silmarillion).

+ Amazing Story:
-> The game continues the story of Shadow of Mordor and shows the journey of Talion and Celebrimbor seeking revenge against Sauron.

+ Great Maps:
-> Definitely, a thing that made me love Shadows of War was the number of different maps and how big they are. Every single one has a different style, being different zones of Mordor.

+ Nemesis System:
-> Shadow of War has a perfect Nemesis System. Nothing is forgotten. If Talion murders an Orc Warchief with a blood brother, he will hunt you down to revenge his brother. Or if an Orc eventually has the audacity to kill Talion, the next time that they meet, the Orc will refer to certain things about killing Talion.

+ Decent Skills Trees:
-> The game presents six different skills trees, each one with at least five unlockables different abilities. Each ability can suffer tree other upgrades that will make her stronger.

+ Huge Amount of Different Weapons/Armor Sets:
-> In Shadow of War is important to pay attention to the armor sets and weapons being used. All the items have a level according to Talion's personal level. However, the different amount of pieces that exist and can be used is incredible.

+ Frightful Visuals:
-> Shadow of War in terms of visuals, I might say that was one of my best experiences. The characters look realistic, the zones where Talion travel look realistic, so the Shadows of War is realistic.

- Becomes Repetitive:
-> End the campaign takes around 20 hrs. After the campaign, take all the other collectibles, and secondary missions take around 10 hrs. In 30 hrs someone that liked the game isn't satisfied. In my opinion, and the unique thing that the player can do is or slaughter random Warchiefs or do Fortresses Conquests.

- Bugs:
-> Shadow of War has a few bugs to report. In my experience, I could see a little bit of everything. I lost a few times fortresses because I got stuck on a Graugs or I got inside of a random house, and I couldn't get out.

- Just One Save Slot:
-> The game doesn't let the player create more than one save. This signifies that if the player wants to replay the campaign needs to delete all his work.

-Going Deeper-
Rating: 93/100

The plot created in Shadow of Mordor continues here in Shadow of War. Talion and Celebrimbor forge a new ring of power, and with him, they decide to have their vengeance against Sauron.

I loved the story as a LOTR fan. I couldn't ask more. The plot that the game has and how he moves is very intriguing, and I might say that was one of the best stories that I had the opportunity to see in a video game.
Middle-Earth: Shadow of War gives an army commander experience to the player. The game has a good amount of different War Chiefs to dominate and control. With them, Talion will try to control the differents Sauron Fortresses in Mordor. Connected with all this is the Nemesis System. Nothing is forgotten in Mordor. The choices made through the game are important. For example, if Talion decides to kill an orc War Chief or don't revive one of his, we can later cheat death and look for Talion seeking vengeance.

I enjoyed the overall gameplay. However, the Nemesis System of this game will forever hold a place in my heart. Dominate War Chiefs and Conquer Fortress is something that creates a challenge through the game. When the Nemesis Sistem starts interacting with that as it does in Shadow of War, the overall game experience improves. A point that I also loved about the game is that each player has a different Orcs War Chief. Making the game different for each player.

Shadow of War contains a good amount of different armor sets and weapons to equip Talon. The items are drop depending on Talon's level, and he can't use weapons with levels higher than his. To improve the weapons, it's possible to install gems. The game has 3 types of gems, and each one has a different buff (Potency, Vitality, Wealth). I liked the different amount of items that Talion can wear. However, I didn't saw much use for the gems.

The game has 6 different skills trees. Each one has at least 5 abilities that after having 3 other upgrades to make her stronger. However, it's just possible to use one of the tree upgrades at once.

For me, the game in terms of abilities doesn't have anything that different from Shadow of Mordor. It's obviously improved. However, new stuff I don't see much.

Middle-Earth: Shadow of War has a big difference from Shadow of Mordor. 5 big maps to explore. In all the campaign missions, Talion will travel between these different areas from Mordor, exploring and conquesting their fortresses.
📽Audio & Visuals
The game's visuals are ridiculous. The cutscenes show some fantastic realism that I just loved to watch. In the game itself, all the different areas are formidable. It makes Mordor, a place full of darkness, look like one of the most beautiful places in the world.

In terms of audio, nothing special to report. The game has a pretty good soundtrack, but nothing ready to receive a reward.

Technical Details
I played this game with:
Intel Core i7-8750H; NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1660 Ti; 16,00 GB Ram

- The game is well optimized. Could more than 60 fps almost all my experience, without any big fps drop.
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Комментариев: 8
ready2b 10 дек. 2020 г. в 8:54 
From the sounds of it, they didn't change much compared to Shadow of Mordor. While I did enjoy the original, I'm not sure I would want just more of the same. Thanks for the review!
AviaRa 9 дек. 2020 г. в 4:48 
It is rather an alternate universe, as they completely changed the following: the ring's creation, as well as the One Ring's creation - the games changes it all to Celebrimbor instead of Sauron. Because Celebrimbor only created those three Elven rings, not all of them like the game claims. It doesn't make sense that way because it breaks tons of the stuff about how the world as a whole works. Not to mention that Sillmarion clearly states he was the member of his family tree, as he didn't have kids as the games claim. And that's just one of the many issues.
Nevertheless, glad you still enjoyed the story.
Leal 9 дек. 2020 г. в 4:23 
@AviaRa I enjoyed a lot the story. How it join the universe couldn't make me happier
Leal 9 дек. 2020 г. в 4:22 
@Tasi no that's a lie
Leal 9 дек. 2020 г. в 4:22 
@MaverickZealot ty for the support
AviaRa 9 дек. 2020 г. в 4:13 
Even though I was not the biggest fan of Shadow of Mordor, I still enjoyed it to some degree, and I want to try Shadow of War soon.
However, the story was atrocious and raped Tolkien's work everywhere it could, so I am afraid it will be even worse in this instalment.
Nevertheless, glad you enjoyed it and thanks for the review.
Tasi 8 дек. 2020 г. в 23:35 
I have been repulsed by loot-boxes greed. I have also read that "true" ending is locked behind low-chance drops to promote the sale of those loot boxes.
MaverickZealot 8 дек. 2020 г. в 11:28 
I enjoyed the first installment but kept hearing mixed things once this one came out. Now that the fires have died down, I definitely think I'll get this in the future.

Thanks for the review!