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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 38.1 hrs on record (12.1 hrs at review time)
Posted: Nov 24, 2019 @ 6:30pm
Updated: Nov 24, 2019 @ 6:34pm

Early Access Review
So this is a rogue-lite FPS in VR. You have the same sets of levels (sewers all the way up to the roof) but the layout is semi-random so you can't memorize a map or anything, and item drops are random. The only thing you CAN depend on is the wimpy starting pistol which is actually more than enough weapon for the first 3 or 4 levels. Or you COULD depend on it until you unlock the crappy replacement pistol which is so crappy I wish I could check a box to say "NEVER USE THIS". (It's really crappy!)

A standard run goes like this.... you enter the elevator after grabbing a gun by the mutator machine and you appear in the sewers. Before you enter, you can choose one of three mutators, which are basically just special rules for the game. Like there's one mode where you can't reload, and I think enemies only drop guns. They help to spice things up a bit but it's only 3 different mutators and they're all pretty forgettable really.

You open the various doors and walk around the levels until you have cleared out all the enemies and then you go back to the elevator and proceed to the next level. There seem to be two levels per stage, so you're in the sewers for 2 levels, then you're in a lobby for two levels, then you're in a warehouse for two levels, then you're in the main office for two levels, then the executive floors for two levels, and then the roof.

Following the rule of 2's you can only carry two weapons at a time. Well, actually you can carry 3 if you dual wield, but that just makes reloading next to impossible unless you want to drop a weapon, and it just gets annoying. BUT each weapon has its own characteristics to it including ammo capacity, reloading method, and accuracy as well as a few other things. Most of the really good weapons have drawbacks that make them suck again, and there's really only a few weapons that I feel aren't horribly flawed. I'm reluctant to mention which one in case the developer decides he needs to screw that one up too.

Most of the enemies are a palette swap but it helps to tell you quickly what weapon they've got (if they don't start blasting the minute they see you). Some of the enemies aren't human though, starting with the basic drone line of enemies (single shot, machine gun, explosive drone) and then you get a tank enemy and then finally they start throwing the robot/mech enemies at you.

In any case, on easy mode you've got plenty of hitpoints and if you're more careful than me you can easily run around the level ganking almost everyone with the plain ole pistol they give you to start with. The tanks and mechs take too many shots to critical areas that aren't always easily accessible in a fight so you really DO need more than that pistol, but I often find myself feeling bad about throwing the pistol away in favor of something "better" even though there's replacement pistols everywhere. It's probably possible to do a run with nothing but a pair of the wimpy pistols, and since they never need reloading it's almost worth it, but then the developer made it so that they "overheat" twice as fast if you're dual wielding them.

I haven't actually beaten the main boss yet because every time I get close, something happens and I wind up dying, or in some cases I get mobbed before I have a chance to make it to the final level. Just a minute ago I was doing really well until suddenly I found myself being shot at from all angles with about 7 different enemies and since I wasn't ducking and dodging all over the place I died, and only 2 more levels till the boss fight too.

The higher difficulty levels just seems like they give you fewer hit points, though it's possible they weaken all the guns as well. I haven't tried making any in-depth comparisons and I only play it for 20 minutes at a time anyway so I'm not ready to up the difficulty just yet.

Still, the game has a really cool 90's aesthetic to it and the gameplay itself is kinda fun. The AI isn't totally braindead and you'll often find that if there's another route to you that an enemy might just flank you if you're not careful. It could stand a bit more variety in the environments maybe, and especially bigger levels with more enemies. If it's over too quick then you really don't get into it. I really wish it was possible to just try to stealth run it, where you sneak up and snap their necks or stab them or slice their throat or something... then you can drag the body off somewhere or maybe throw it out a window or something. That would be cool. I mean, it's possible to drag a body around NOW, but there's not much point to doing it.

Another thing that would be cool is if you could grab the body and use it as a human shield, or if the destroyed tanks could be fired even once like a cannon or something. I feel like there's things that you could do in VR that wouldn't be easily possible or would feel more scripted and would lose all the wonder out of discovering you could do it. Devs need to push the boundaries of VR more. This is still a pretty "safe" title, meaning that you could probably play this game without VR with some modifications. You'd miss out on a few things but nothing super special.

BUT in the end this is still a fun game and worth a purchase. Prior to this game I was spending all my free time (15-45 minutes here and there) in "In Death", but now lately I spend more time on this one. At 12 hours I'm starting to feel tired of it though, but I can just take a break and come back to it.

Final verdict: Buy it, especially on sale, but it's still worth the full price if you like single player FPS roguelikes.
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