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♛applewOw 님이 최근에 작성한 평가

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기록상 425.6시간 (평가 당시 314.1시간)
PUBG grabs you by the collar and throws you into the thick of it, without explaining anything. What to do? Where to go? How can you have fun? In my first match, absolutely not understanding what was happening, I flew into the first house, grabbed a machete from the floor, locked myself in the toilet and hid in the bathtub behind the remains of the curtain. After about 5 minutes I heard rustles in the house, I tensed. But when the bathroom door opened, I suddenly jumped out from behind the curtain and hacked to death the surprised guest, like Jason. But he was with a rifle. Damn, but cool! People love PUBG.

What is PUBG all about?
Hundreds of players parachute on a huge map: with fields, forests, towns, villages, single houses and bridges. The route of the plane on which we arrive is different every time, and you can choose the moment for the jump yourself. We have no equipment: armor, weapons, first-aid kits, attachments for guns - everything needs to be looked for at the level, ransacking houses. Over time, an area is allocated on the map, which gradually shrinks, all players outside of it die pretty quickly. The goal is to survive. There will be only one left. It's that simple.

Impressive and bright moments
I have already played more than 300 hours in PUBG and I can say with confidence that it creates beautiful, memorable stories and graceful moments . This game is about how you and your friends overturned in an SUV in the desert, and two more "gangs" came to the noise and you had to shoot back, hiding behind an overturned car. The game is about how you, alone, without weapons at all, became the only survivor, simply passing everyone on a buggy. The game is about how you and another player landed at one point, where there were no weapons at all and had to arrange a fist fight. Most matches can be easily documented on a piece of paper. Add a little narrative, come up with names for the characters - and the script for the action movie is ready. But it can also turn out to be a comedy with black humor. Or a tense story about the storming of a town besieged by "terrorists". Or even psychological horror - in PUBG, everything happens. Moreover, all these scenarios can happen in just one match.

Disadvantages of the game
In this game, there are often minor bugs and shortcomings that spoil all the fun of the gameplay. Many people point out the poor optimization of the game, with which I agree. Sometimes sagging, long loading and sagging are observed. Quite often you can meet cheaters who shoot at 300 meters and hit you in the head right away, sending you to the lobby. I was very dissatisfied when I realized that there are bots in the game. It becomes corny not interesting to play. If you won the battle, then you want to win a decent and fair victory against a real person, and not a "victory" against a bot that does not understand where to aim, what to do and how to be. But it's good that there are ordinary people in the game with whom it is interesting to shoot, so bots are not always encountered.

All the disadvantages of the game can be tolerated for the sake of moments that you will tell a friend over a bottle of beer, for the sake of moments that will be remembered for a lifetime. I advise you to buy this game and enjoy the magnificent landscapes and interesting gameplay with your friends.

Regards, applewOw.
2021년 9월 7일에 게시되었습니다. 2021년 9월 8일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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