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Not Recommended
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 16.9 hrs on record
Posted: May 13, 2018 @ 12:47pm
Updated: Sep 5, 2018 @ 1:35pm

I wanted to love this game, I really did. I hate to bad mouth it and I want the devs to know I appreciate their effort.

Sadly, though, this turned out to be another "open world checklist game". Go blow up those towers, go beat up those raiders, go collect those parts. Repeat x times to earn an upgrade. Repeat xx times to move on to the next area and do the same activities slightly harder. Each activity is novel the first time, maybe.

So yeah, if you want to spend $5 and shoot some cars for a few hours and then uninstall, I'd support that decision. Cheaper than a few beers at the bar. You probably have better games in your backlog already though.

I paid $25 and 17 hours hoping it would get interesting. It's not time or money I'm glad I spent.
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