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Posted: Apr 13 @ 1:09pm

Playing The Callisto Protocol was like stepping into a familiar yet eerie world, one that echoed with the echoes of another iconic horror franchise. As I ventured through the dark corridors of the Black Iron Prison on Callisto, I couldn't shake the feeling of déjà vu, as if I had tread these paths before in another life, with another protagonist.

Graphically, The Callisto Protocol is a masterpiece. The game takes full advantage of next-gen capabilities, offering stunning atmospheric lighting, impressive ray-tracing effects, and highly detailed models and textures. From the oppressive darkness that engulfs the prison to the grotesque and unsettling designs of the enemies, every visual aspect contributes to the immersive horror experience.

Speaking of enemies, while they succeeded in delivering a sense of dread, their variety was somewhat lacking. While each encounter with these grotesque creatures was unsettling, the limited types of enemies left something to be desired. Perhaps a few more variations could have injected some much-needed diversity into the gameplay experience.

Unfortunately, where the game falls short is in its combat mechanics. While Striking Distance Studios attempted to innovate with a dodging-based combat system, the novelty wears off quickly. Repetitive encounters and lackluster enemy AI lead to combat scenarios that feel more frustrating than engaging. The lack of variety in combat encounters and the predictable attack patterns of enemies detract from the overall experience.

The Dead Space inspiration is impossible to ignore. From the striking similarities between the main characters to the familiar world design and even the mechanics of audio logs, The Callisto Protocol often feels like a homage that borders on imitation. While the intention to pay tribute to a beloved franchise is clear, the game struggles to carve out its own identity, feeling more like a derivative rather than a unique experience.

The story, while serviceable, fails to leave a lasting impression. The premise of a virus outbreak leading to monstrous mutations is a tried and tested trope in the horror genre, and The Callisto Protocol does little to offer a fresh perspective. While there are some twists and turns along the way, they are not enough to elevate the narrative above mediocrity.

One aspect of the game that truly shines is its sound design. From the eerie ambient noises that permeate the prison to the bone-chilling screams of the mutated creatures, the audio elements work in tandem with the visuals to create a truly immersive horror experience.

Overall, while I did find enjoyment in playing The Callisto Protocol, its reliance on Dead Space's formula holds it back from reaching its full potential. The game never quite manages to establish its own identity, feeling like a pale imitation rather than a worthy successor. However, there is undeniable talent at work here, and I remain hopeful that Striking Distance Studios will one day deliver a truly original and groundbreaking horror experience.

Rating: 6/10
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