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Évaluations récentes de estrogenized supersoldier

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24 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
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1,192.5 h en tout (589.9 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
I wont beat around the bush: Vermintide is a rough diamond. The game itself is solid, the mechanics all fit in together to create a fun, exciting game that I constantly find hard to stop playing. It isn't without bugs however, which are at times slow to be patched due to the small dev team working on this game, coupled with lingering performance issues, especially for those with weaker processors.

Many people will be turned off by looking at Fatsharks past with dropping development on games early. Looking deeper you'll find Fatshark had no say with them; it was due to their publisher at the time. Vermintide is fully published and developed by Fatshark, and many of the people on the team are hardcore Warhammer fans. It really does show when you play the game. The characters are incredibly indepth, lore friendly, and full of fun banter and history. The world is beautifully designed, with the art and sound coming together to really make you immersed while you hang on for dear life.

The community is small due to a mixture of issues on and post release, but is dedicated and very friendly. Most of the hateful players seemed to have dissapeared, and the good ones who remain definitely make the game worth playing. I play in Australia however, so I can't speak for any other region. YMMV.

The best thing however is the development team is very communicative. I haven't seen a dev team so invested in their community in a long while, and it's incredibly refreshing coming from TF2 where Valve is very tight-lipped on anything that they do. Fatshark are constantly reading feedback and working on balancing issues, and take the time to do giveaway and streams for their playerbase whilst also giving us sneak peaks into their development process.

All in all, despite all the hardships, issues and delays, I highly recommend giving Vermintide a try. With the console release around the corner, which should also be bundled with the new Quests and Contracts DLC for free to flesh out the loot system, now is the perfect time to delve into the game and battle it out in Ubersreik and beyond. You might just get addicted. But hopefully not too addicted.
Évaluation publiée le 21 aout 2016.
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5 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
29.7 h en tout (25.0 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Literally "Comfy: The Game".
Évaluation publiée le 29 février 2016.
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