Quentin   France
I can love me better than you can
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i need caffeine
Still mad? Stay mad.


Don't talk to me, I'm a nobody.

It's better to enjoy doing something slowly with passion than to rushing it in frustration.

Hope is all that we can have in this place.

Pain means you're alive. Does that mean you live to be in pain or is it painful to be alive...?

Greatness starts with nothingness, but nothing does not mean you cannot be great.

Some people end up being faker than makeup could ever conceal.
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they feasting
Sohrab_6130 8 minutes ago 
+ rep funny quentin
Midas May 17 @ 6:30am 
you weren't perkless, we were in Chaos Shuffle. Does that mean we were all Perkless since none of us had perks we normally use? No, it just means you're clutching on cringe meta ♥♥♥♥. GG
BadKD May 17 @ 4:44am 
syringes against a perkless knight when you guys got lucky with good perks... sure.. totally good. i woulda def 4k with singularity or blight xDD
Midas May 17 @ 4:34am 
we 4k'd escaped and ran your ass all game, you should get good :P
BadKD May 17 @ 4:34am 
get good
Jojo May 16 @ 8:28am 
+rep cute Felix