
so free ez
Capturas de tela favoritas
Damage Record Empire Escalation - 31/08/2022 Thank you: Dave, Blu, Eks, Furuka,
7 7
Grupo favorito
check the mf scoreboard kid
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Autism Info Box
My Backpack TF [backpack.tf]
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MvM Loot
T 72: Rocket Launcher
T 91: Flame Thrower
T 99: Rocket Launcher
T 139: Force-A-Nature (4 Box)
T 213: SMG

Unusual Unboxes
1. Blizzardy Storm Boxcar Bomber
2. Circling TF Logo Brotherhood of Arms
3. Green Energy Brown Bomber

Knife Unboxes
1. Butterfly | Tiger Tooth (FN) 0.008

Internet Quotes to Live By
FieryLeopard37 : bro are you ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ autism
HP_Cowboy : ♥♥♥♥♥♥ marble licker
Sir Goggles The First : bruh this cotton picker wont ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ die
RIP™ : yeah ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ interp ♥♥♥♥
Notna : go ♥♥♥♥ ur sister ya inbred
coca cola is served warm : ♥♥♥♥ you jacob you are literal cancer
booleo : jakob you are adopted
diet sodie‎ : id rather lose the game then be called jakob
iFadi32 : no ns?
♥♥♥♥♥ liquor : do u really have to be that much of a ♥♥♥♥♥
caleb mckenzie boyd : jakob how many minors have you taken advantage of over discord
‎‍‌‬‏‌​‬​‬‬‌‍​‬‏⁠‍‎​‎‏​⁠‎‌‌​‬muri‎‬⁠​‎‌​‌‬⁠‎‌ : ​⁠⁠‏‏‏⁠‎‬‌‬‎‌‬fix this trash game lmao⁠‍‬​‬​‌⁠⁠⁠‏‌‎‏‎‏​⁠⁠‎‍‏‍‏‬‌
muri left the game (Disconnect by user.)
caleb mckenzie boyd⁠‍‬‎‍‍‍‎ : ‬‍⁠‬‎​‍‏‎​♥♥♥♥♥ u jakob‏‏‍‌‍‏‏​​‌‬​​​‏‌‍​
⁠⁠‬​⁠‏‍‎‬‏jakob⁠‍‬‎‍‍‍‎ : ‬‍⁠‬‎​‍‏‎​i love you‏‏‍‌‍‏‏​​‌‬​​​‏‌‍​
⁠‏‌​‍​​‍‌‏‌​‌‎⁠‌‎‏‎​‏‬‎‎‬‏‬⁠‌caleb mckenzie boyd‍‬‬⁠‎​‍​‏​‏‏‍ : ‎‏‏‬​‌‌‌‌‏‍‬⁠ur name is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ dumb ‬‌‍​⁠‏‌​‍‎⁠‏‍​‎‍‌‌‍‌‏‏‍⁠‏‍‏‏‎
⁠‏‌​‍​​‍‌‏‌​‌‎⁠‌‎‏‎​‏‬‎‎‬‏‬⁠‌caleb mckenzie boyd‍‬‬⁠‎​‍​‏​‏‏‍ : ‎‏‏‬​‌‌‌‌‏‍‬⁠its jacob not jakob‬‌‍​⁠‏‌​‍‎⁠‏‍​‎‍‌‌‍‌‏‏‍⁠‏‍‏‏‎
‎⁠‎‎‬‏‌​‍‏‬‎‎‌‎‏‎⁠‌‌‏‏‌‏‌⁠‍owned :3‎‬‏‏‌‍‍​‎‬⁠‌‍‬‬ : ‬‍‎‍‏‌‬​‎‍‏‍‬‎i wanna cream pie jakob so bad‌‌‬‍‎‍‬⁠⁠​‎‌‏‏‏‎‬​‬‬‏​‍⁠​‏‍​‬‍‎‍‬⁠⁠​‎‌‏‏‏‎‬​‬‬‏​‍⁠​‏‍​
[Z Clan] ReDead : -Rep. Wasted Z Clan time and resources, misappropriated our tag and attempted to defame our members reputation. You are ignominious and have been repoted.
*DEAD* Killjoy: Jakob stop being named that please
‍‍‍‬‏​‬‍​‬⁠​‏‎‏‏‬‬‌⁠​​⁠‬‏⁠‎frogulon‏‬‏‏​⁠⁠⁠​⁠ : ‏‬​‌‏‍‏‍‏‌‎⁠who tf spells jacob with a k‎​⁠‌‬‍‌‬⁠⁠‎⁠​‎‎⁠‎‌‬‍‌‌‏‌​‍‎
PIZZAGHOST: kind of sick of beating jay
PIZZAGHOST: see ya jay
groovy #transrights: jay you will NEVER be bunstie
groovy #transrights: awfulw
back at the steel mill!!: please peel your ass off of the seat
erectile dysfunction: sniff my taint
*DEAD* Squilliam: ♥♥♥♥ you jay you suck at mvm
Bootycheeks: ur dispenser makes me die
*DEAD* More More Chilli: this ♥♥♥♥♥♥ a wanker
ByYoMaMa: ignore that clown
ByYoMaMa: hes literally the reason mvm has the rep is has
*DEAD* Blotto: i forgor
*DEAD* rare tf2 medic: who tf says 'L'
rare tf2 medic: thats such a ♥♥♥♥♥ move
jay: L
meowing for mommy :3: jay is a kid rapist
Dilly2k: look the pedophile racist JAY is back on red kick if decent
*DEAD* Boom. Headshot.: jay ur a fagogot
Boom. Headshot.: 0 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
waltr whit: cry ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
waltr whit: aliens under jays table sucking his ♥♥♥♥?
AnTMaN: go suck off ya 2 boyfriends ya gronk we play how we want
AnTMaN: Jay i ♥♥♥♥♥♥ ur mum ya dirty dog
mintyBALLS: jay u useless freak
mintyBALLS: neck
UR-: o ♥♥♥♥ its jakob
McMessenger: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ you're annoying
McMessenger left the game (Client Disconnect)
*DEAD* Santa: gg guys hope you all have a good one and i hope that jays mother offs herself
Griffalif: im also sus on jay
Griffalif: i dont believe hes legit
DEVILS: Lmao id ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ smash your teeth in meet me at hursti
[still have no clue what hurtsi means]
jonatan leandoer96: jay how many men have you pleasured this month
It's muffin time! : LGBTQQIP2SAA+ and don't forget the BIPOC community
DEAD It's muffin time! : yes Tode I'm an LGBTQ+ ally
ProfessorPrasser: 21 I bet jay's ♥♥♥♥ tastes so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ good
21: jay : I LOVE (♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ AND RAPING) KIDS
Thread: we versing a bot team?
bun: club cyberia thats a rly cool name
bun left the game (Removed from match by system)
*DEAD* Le' Coffee: someone kick jay for being gay
Corn O' Cob: you got nothing going on with your life
Explode: jay is a closet
andrew_tate_dick: wtf, there is ♥♥♥♥ wearing pink on my team time to afk ♥♥♥♥ th ♥♥♥♥
chugs: jay : I LOVE (♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ AND RAPING) KIDS
im eating bugs: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Bea Smith : who up chuggin they bug

Jay is Gay Counter
Seirius: jay more like gay
furuka: jay more like..
furuka: gay...
*DEAD* Heh.: jakob more like gaykob
*DEAD* L Rizz: jay is gay
*DEAD* invis: jay gay
pancakes: jay more like gay
Minionsfan: jay is gay jay is gay jay is gay
*DEAD* Not_myg0t: jay is gay
The Milwaukee Bucks: jay more like bad day
(PARTY) redead: jay more like gay
*DEAD* Le' Coffee: jay ur G A Y'

super ronaldoFAN2013 16 de mai. às 2:55 
jay 13 de mai. às 4:47 
yes please
super ronaldoFAN2013 13 de mai. às 4:46 
im thinking more at landsborough station
jay 13 de mai. às 4:33 
we should do it more often, meet at oxley station next time?
super ronaldoFAN2013 13 de mai. às 4:28 
+rep smoked the hog at the back of mcdonalds
jay 8 de fev. às 21:44 
:b1: grow up