Ontario, Canada
(Insert summary here)
(actual e-girl)
Currently In-Game
Ultimate Chicken Horse
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Video Showcase
Split Second Merry Crashmas (Shenanigans part 10)
Recent Activity
27 hrs on record
Currently In-Game
1,332 hrs on record
last played on May 25
217 hrs on record
last played on May 25
du long Apr 19 @ 5:07pm 
po-tato brain
Zutlast Apr 3 @ 12:56pm 
I am Josh Sway, and nearly fifteen years ago, I set out on a mission to transform my life. I was always the little guy ever since I can remember. I never got the girl, I never had tons of friends, and I was never popular. Eventually, I decided that it was time to change. I read self-improvement guides. I read dating guides. Etiquette guides. I started working out. I worked on my social skills. I tried to absorb anything and everything that I could with the sole purpose of becoming a better overall person; becoming better overall at life. It was a very difficult process that took years of discipline, trial and error, and determination. It was also a journey filled with years of frustration. Ultimately though, I realized there was one simple key to success: overcoming the fear of failure. From that day forward, once I was willing to take a risk and accept that failure was a possibility, my life changed at the speed of light.
[YJ] Art Feb 24 @ 8:19pm 
-rep Beat me in wreckfest
PASTEL DE NALTA Feb 24 @ 7:46pm 
So you're the stupid guy who's just screwing up the race for others
[CG] Nov 25, 2023 @ 6:58am 
helltaker judgement real not clickbait
༒ Ɇmpress ₭yuuna™ ༒ Nov 4, 2023 @ 3:15pm 
can confirm, real e-girls