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62.0 hrs on record
This game offers a few things. The primary one being gun shooty bang bang. I really, really enjoy the gun play in this game and that's all that really matters. It is fun to just shoot stuff. If guns are just a means to an end then find another game.

Aside: The 3d model for the professor girl person thingy honestly kind of creeps me out.

I think what sets this game apart from any other FPS, besides the gunplay being awesome, is the multitude of options the player has at their disposal. There are more ways to damage an enemy than merely pulling a trigger. Melee, head stomping, class skills, and later aerial smashing and grappling hooks. There are just so many ways you can dismantle a robot. Being out of bullets in a magazine isn't the end of a damage stream. It's more than just clicking on heads.

I never really noticed just how engrossing this game actually is until after its initial release. There's the part of the game where you can check out each and every enemy you've seen up close and hit their animation buttons. Every enemy deforms and recoils on hit. Each enemy has a specific look that distinguishes itself from everything beside it. All enemies behave and move in their own ways that spaces themselves out on the battlefield. All of this culminates into one cohesive experience that plays itself out naturally. Every step you take, every shot you release, every hit you land: the entire troupe of enemies all react. This gives you the ultimate sensation that you are in control.

You are, as a matter of fact, the ultimate badass and the biggest space cowboy these robots have EVER seen.
Posted April 3.
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8.2 hrs on record
I remember picking this up in store. I straight up don't remember how much time I spent playing this game but it was definitely way too much. Back then my PC could barely run the game, or so I thought. Turns out the game just runs at 30fps all the time, even today.

I don't really get nostalgic dopamine hits. When I go back to play an old game I judge it with brand new eyes. This game held up and is still fun 20 years later. Should YOU play this game 20 years after release? The game is a little bit dated for missing some modern QoL changes, like the FOV being super tight and the 30fps lock. Running the game at 4K on a big screen is sort of a mistake but some changes to config files can fix it right up. If you're willing to forgive some of the whacky technical happenings like lost units failing at pathfinding, hills causing units to eternally miss, and everything else above, I think Command and Conquer Generals offers a decently unique experience that every Command and Conquer fan should play, and most RTS fans should at least try.
Posted April 3.
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0.0 hrs on record
I knew something was wrong when I was on my way to play Baldur's gate 1 and 2 in sequence and I said "Damnit" when Siege of Dragonspear started.

The combat is really fun and encounters are crafted well (on normal difficulty). The locations are all awesome and the level designs are fresh yet fit within the Baldur's Gate 1/2 look.

My problem with the game is the story and characters. I forget the name of the one soldier lady who is supposed to follow you around but damn she was so hella annoying I sent her into a forest to die and kicked her out of the party. The other new party members I just can't recall they were so unmemorable. The main antagonist has an obvious goal but their position towards the player is so neutral they didn't feel like an actual threat. It felt more like I was going forward only because enemies were in the way and not because I had something to achieve.

I will play Siege of Dragonspear every time it comes up but I'll be skipping the dialog and story. That's the weakest part of the expansion.
Posted December 7, 2023.
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10.8 hrs on record (9.3 hrs at review time)
If you've got the itch for improving efficiency, this is it. I don't think I've played a game quite like this before and I really enjoyed it. It really helps that the soundtrack is absolutely fire and it got stuck in my head for weeks.
Posted August 31, 2023.
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4.4 hrs on record
The main character simped so hard he came back to life

The first 2 hours of the game is really fun. After that it becomes a slog. That's about the point all the novelties wear off. At the end of Chapter 3 just pretend you won the fight - everything that happens after is just a hallucination and filler.
Posted August 31, 2023.
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40.0 hrs on record
Things I learned while playing The Surge 2:

The number of enemies increases danger exponentially
Parry is king
The camera is the worst enemy in the game
The game only gets easier with time
New Game+ is just a victory lap
Armor doesn't do anything early game
Can't swim
Cannibals have annoying voices
Ironmaus is bae

In all seriousness I really enjoyed the game. I'm not a Dark Souls or Souls-like person and this is my first try at the genre. My first run through The Surge 2 took around 28 hours. My NG+ took 12 hours. Once I found a set that I liked (IronMaus punch set), I just styled on every NPC with malicious intent.
Posted August 21, 2023.
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87.0 hrs on record
I played this became because I searched "Games Similar to Rollerdome". I couldn't see the similarities but I played it anyway. After playing the game, there truly are few similarities, maybe fast paced action but that's it. I REALLY enjoyed the game. I beat the game 3 times in a month-ish period.

I've never really been attached to stories in games, only one that's coherent enough to act as a pretext for hitting things with a sword. Scarlet Nexus' story is in fact good enough to hit things with a sword.

The default Keyboard and Mouse controls are kind of archaic but I made it work. 5 and 6 to change items, F1/F2/F3/F4 for SAS engagement? It sounds really bad, and it kind of is, but if you learn to live with it you can pull some serious combos. I'm left handed so maybe I'm biased.

The gameplay is where it's at. I hit things with a sword and things died. There are a lot of ways to engage any particular battle. On the hardest difficulties things can go south very fast, particularly when there are several enemies whose strategies synergize well. There are systems in the game that can help prevent that, like setting all teammates to target other enemies. The teammates have great personalities and are generally likable but in combat they've been mostly useless.

That means more sword hitting for me.
Posted June 19, 2023.
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5.3 hrs on record
If you've ever watched the anime Air Gear, this is kind of like that but with guns.

I beat the whole game plus the hard version in one sitting. That was awesome.
Posted May 17, 2023.
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7 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs on record
Posted February 3, 2023.
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3 people found this review helpful
1.3 hrs on record
Posted February 3, 2023.
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