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Woter Meron 님이 최근에 작성한 평가

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기록상 1,704.2시간 (평가 당시 567.1시간)
Reviews are not really my cup of tea but this game deserves it!

So for newcomers, Buy this game, it's summer sale and you really should buy it.
And for the mh veterans, you already know why you should buy it.
For the sake of not having to turn this review into an 500 page book I'll asume you know what this game is about.
If you didn't than I'll just summarise: "you hunt monsters... yeah that's it"
You hunt a monster (sometimes monsters) with a max of 4 players in a squad. You can think of it like a game with only boss fights, wich to be honest, is always the best part of a hack & slash.

1) Yes, the game has a lot less monsters than previous titles and yes the graphics are also better than the others.
This point has been debated too death. I'll quickly go over it in 1 sentence. "It is a good game"
the price is worth its money, especially on summer sale!

2) The weapons are amazing. They all have an unique moveset and diffrent playstyle. A healthy quartet exists out of 4 people with 4 diffrent weapons (you can break this trend easily but pls no 4 longswords!!!)
It takes time to learn them all, Let alone to master them so there is a high skill cap! Do try them all out beacuse your favorite weapon might not be what you think.

3) The monsters. They're few but they're great. Bazelgeuse is a ♥♥♥♥♥ and diablos still counts as a flying wyvren. But besides these minor issues (or major if bazel drops in cuz ♥♥♥♥ he's huge!) the monsters are great. The generally have common moves such as biting, charching, tail whips/swipes, exct. But they all are a bit diffrent so you can expect what 's gonne happen. But learning every single move from every monster is again difficult so you have there a high skill cap as well. In short: Easy to learn hard to master.

4) Difficulty: there is only 1 difficulty. If you have a problem with that than tough up or go home.

In conclusion I give this game a 9/10
weapons: 10/10 like every game
monsters: 8/10 I like you but your hitboxes are so extra thicc!
the handler: -5/10 would like to shoot her 10/10 times
this review: a "Excuse to get the extra point cap on the summersale event"/10
2019년 6월 30일에 게시되었습니다. 2019년 7월 2일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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3명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
기록상 186.5시간 (평가 당시 145.2시간)
This game is awsome! Sure there's good music and intersting lore but the 1 thing that stood out for me was it's difficulty. Hollow knight is relentless and punishes you hard for failing (No it's not Darksouls).

But that's wy it's so good. You WILL die alot and you WILL get lost but the sense that you've overcomed your problems are that much better. I remember when I fought the final boss of the 2nd dlc and died (an embarassing) 28 times!! And now I'm doing no hit runs on him.

If you play this game and keep being determined, you WILL see yourself at the top, looking back at all the things you've learned with a sense of pride. And the community has got your back. This is one of the nicest communities out there on steam (you're all cool guys).

I recommend this game fully! 9.5/10

P.S.: Git gud!
2018년 2월 1일에 게시되었습니다. 2018년 2월 1일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
이 평가가 유용한가요? 아니요 재미있음 어워드
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