Victoria Wolf   United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Waifu to my Waifu <3


Every Wolf has their own unique howl.
Within that unique howl, she conveys her own unique emotion.
It can mean Happiness, a fresh kill, a hunt, a warning, sadness, fear, submission or mourning.
The Wolf can gather her emotions,
And let them out in once single song toward mother Luna.
Mother Luna will catch that emotion and keep it,
So that in that moment, she will carry the burden, so that the Wolf no longer has to.


Darkness breaks,
Moon awakes,
Night now brings the stars it makes.

Moon beams fall,
Light up all,
From silvery woods there comes a call.

Grayish blur,
Shaggy fur,
Food is this night creatures lure.

Brown deer,
Very near,
It is brought down full of fear.

Deadly bite,
Very tight,
Every wolf will feast tonight.

Wolf by name, Wolf by nature.

She hunts to protect and feed the pack but as the Alpha I often hunt alone.

Rifle, Scope, patience and peace.
Building adrenaline and sweet serenity as she waits for a head to expose itself.

One slip of the finger, One decision and the life is taken.
She takes her kill, a howl of satisfaction.

And the She-Wolf moves to seek her prey once more.

On a side note.

I like reading Warcraft books as well as playing my games.
If I'm AFK, I probably got more interested in my book than what we were doing at the time.

That, and I have the attention span of a goldfish.

I'm a very successful guild leader, 6 years and counting- started in WoW but we continued into many other games alongside it.

Other interests:




RP (World of Warcraft mostly)

Currently Offline
Lazarus D Jan 11 @ 4:48pm 
Nod4Bloodpoints TTV Jul 12, 2023 @ 8:21am 
+rep fellow WoW rper (not that i rp on wow any more but), cutie claire, and generally kawaii
LadyWolf Apr 13, 2016 @ 4:14am 
Nyte u ♥♥♥ <3
LadyWolf May 17, 2015 @ 9:49am 
My chair!<333
LadyWolf Apr 21, 2015 @ 4:04am 