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Pubblicazione: 27 nov 2020, ore 0:46

This is nothing like Doom 2016 which was truly a Doom game. I loved it so much. I had a blast and played it through over a weekend. This game I started it and I quit after however long I have in it.

The game fails to fully acknowledge the previous game. This one is entirely on it's own. You don't need to play the previous one because even after doing that, I still had no clue what was happening.

You remember the addicting play style of Doom 2016? Yup. All gone. You now have a hand holding fest that locks you in a room, tells you to kill mindlessly until it shows you a new area to progress too. no exploring really, sometimes there is a tiny little place to explore, but nothing very huge like in 2016.

This game is a very dumbed down and watered down 2016. It even dropped the map maker. This game is complete garbage in comparison to it's predecessor. I would never buy this game even if it were free. That's how much I hate this game. By far the worst Doom I've played. It's just Halo, but with Doomguy instead of Master Chief.
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