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Diposting: 18 Agu 2022 @ 2:28pm

Ulasan Akses Dini
One of my favourite games ever. Played it in all of my spare time for over a week online when it was in alpha/beta, then bought it the day it came out on steam. The early early version was already addicting and now the new characters and gamemodes give it some replayability past trying every build type.

The only part of the game that really frustrates me is the spike enemies, especially when you're playing the robot character (CR-8) and can't really deviate from loop. I personally save-scummed to get out of the optional spike encounters when I played CR-8 and luckily didn't run into the spike boss.

These spike enemies make melee builds feel doomed if you get unlucky on mandatory enemies. This could probably be fixed by making spikes reduce by one every time they proc?

Curses haven't bothered me much as you can usually find an item that will destroy them for some benefit, and the downside of taking damage usually is less than they would do on a damage turn anyways.

Poison/burn are annoying, but are part of the challenge and can be countered with consumables (though especially on CR-8 it's hard to allocate space for a ton of consumables). I think a lot of the people complaining about these effects are probably using a lot of shields and armor, which I have hardly used.

Buy the game, It's good and is getting updated extremely frequently.

Developers plz add achievements and some type of permanent progression soon so i can spend 1000 hrs on this game, don't go down the binding of isaac path and lock a ton of existing items behind challenges though :)
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