hook once 3v1 idc
Tokyo, Japan

The game is dumb af how slow we run as survivors and there is literally no way to understand the game and learn how to efficiently loop locations, because you can't load up a private match by yourself. They literally want you to suffer. Not to mention every map is RNG, so getting used to 30 different RNG maps makes it almost impossible, unless you're a day 1 dbd player... So f*ck your feelings go 3v1 if I die, but I will do the gen :)

Aktivitas Terkini
Tercatat 730 jam
Sedang Bermain
Progres Pencapaian   161 dari 249
Tercatat 2.373 jam
terakhir dimainkan pada 22 Mei
Tercatat 43 jam
terakhir dimainkan pada 30 Apr
ItsShiKami 28 menit yang lalu 
-rep kms's on first hook
spin 17 Mei @ 6:33pm 
fat ♥♥♥♥♥
PanduhZy 11 Mei @ 5:27pm 
plz no sabo
boobookitty 24 Apr @ 12:33am 
+rep scary myers that popped tier 3 every 3 seconds ;-;
hope 17 Apr @ 9:33pm 
a tier surv
Wimlet 6 Apr @ 12:09pm 
Distortion rat, literally never saw him.