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6 people found this review helpful
7.1 hrs on record (5.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I was one of the lucky folks to get to test this during the Creator Preview event, so here are my initial impressions:

- The core gameplay loop is already in and incredibly enjoyable
- The lack of loading screens makes everything way more immersive. Hang out at base and shoot the breeze with your friends, then hop on the chopper and insert seamlessly into the AO. No delays, no timers, no ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
- The game is less Escape from Tarkov and more Deadside + Ghost Recon Wildlands + Ground Branch/Arma 3
- At launch, there's definitely some Early Access jank. AI could use some work, there are server issues, and changing one graphical setting could double your framerate or crash your system. If you've played Early Access tactical shooters, then this will come as no surprise to you. Anyone expecting a smooth Day 1 EA is kidding themselves
- The map is gorgeous and had some of the best environments in any tactical game. There are a ton of little details that make the AO feel extremely lived in, which makes it thay much more immersive
- The indie devs are extremely approachable and have managed to turn a ton of changes and bug fixes we identified in the test just last week. They seem dedicated to this game for the long haul and not just an Early Access cash grab like *some other games lately*

Overall, I'm having a blast and I feel like GZW is bringing something really unique to the genre. EA release has some problems, but I can run itndecently and have fun on Day 1, which is much better than several other EA tactical games I've played.

Recommend picking it up and giving it the full two hours
Posted April 30.
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6 people found this review helpful
7.0 hrs on record (5.8 hrs at review time)
Operation Valor is basically if Squad and Foxhole had a baby, but in the best way. The top-down perspective adds a whole new tactical element to the experience and I love the teamwork it takes to be successful each round. I've been a believer in this project since the first beta play session and I'm so glad the rest of the world finally gets to try it out!
Posted October 19, 2023.
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2 people found this review helpful
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0.0 hrs on record
It's a little thing, but getting a little holiday gift from the devs was unexpected- and very much appreciated!
Posted December 19, 2019.
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6.4 hrs on record (6.3 hrs at review time)
Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP is one of the best games I have played this year. It's blend of lush, beautiful pixel art, engrossing sound effects and score, and intuitve gameplay sets the bar for indie games several pegs higher.

Although the gameplay mechanics are designed for touch-enabled devices, I had no issues using a mouse to click, drag, and strum my way though game. The combat system was probably easier on touch, but I only encountered a few mis-clicks in my five-and-a-half hour playthrough.

I believe it would be very easy for someone to beat this game for the first time in four hours, but I managed to get turned around a few times, especially in Session 3. The characters generally guide you along well enough to your next goal, though the hints can be quite cryptic at times. When I did finally find my way again, it was only then that I realized the true meaning.

At its core, the indiekid/hipster vibe of this game will either make or break the experience for you. The vocal tracks, few and far between, remind me of more of a spaced-out Bill and Ted than one would expect from a game, and both the developers and sound/music guy Jim Guthrie managed to have cameos. I found these traits endearing, the final polish on an already unblemished game. If you find yourself allergic to alliteration (or pretentiousness), then you might have a hard time with this one.
Posted May 6, 2014.
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2.6 hrs on record (2.5 hrs at review time)
RotMD is everything that is great about RPGs: Leveling, class systems, item selections, the works. That Wild Shadows was able to wrap it in a bullet hell/shoot-em-up that is actually fun and not frustrating makes it that much more great. It's F2P without making you hate it and you enjoy 99% of the level/power arc in 30 minutes per character. Dying is the only way to advance.

For those of you that are too young to remember the glory days, be satisfied in knowing this game brings them back and even exceeds their greatness.
Posted May 1, 2014.
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Showing 1-6 of 6 entries