
DaBigDerp 9/abr./2020 às 17:23 
Happy birthday yo, have a fantastic day and stay safe! :cozyjunimogreen:
Dondo Mizusu Rose 3/out./2018 às 10:29 
Anon, you haven't had your daily dose of greentext stories.
DaBigDerp 9/abr./2018 às 17:03 
Happy birthday twc! Have a great day :steamhappy:
RCV9 <3 Caitlin 20/nov./2017 às 9:17 
Orb ponderer 20/nov./2017 às 8:22 
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...............|,: : : : : :-~~--: : ::/ NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP
......,-''\':\: :'~„„_: : : : : _,-' NEVER GONNA LET YOU DOOOWN
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Orb ponderer 23/out./2017 às 8:12 
Hello Twc, this is the administrator of ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.™. We have noticed you haven't logged in for 2 hours now and we're just checking to see that everything is okay with our biggest fan. Since the last time you visited us, we've updated the Gay section with many videos as we know you enjoy them. See you soon