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0.4 hrs last two weeks / 5,098.1 hrs on record (1,551.5 hrs at review time)
Posted: Oct 25, 2015 @ 2:01pm
Updated: Nov 27, 2016 @ 4:00am

Few dozen updates later and another cimefest later, I feel like Overkill has now somewhat redemed themselves since from that one infamous Crimefest update. The game still has it's own share of problems such as the netcode still being dogey at times and the amount of DLCs it's still coming out with.

But I'm happy enough to start getting some of the newer DLCs I've missed and that I still want to play it even after 1500+ hours. It's probably stockholm syndrome.

After giving more thought about the whole microtransaction situation I'm still going to play PAYDAY 2. That is until Overkill wants to try something more sinister next...

The reason for the change is that I think the game is still fun and I want to keep playing it. I'm just soo against the idea of putting microtransactions into an already expensive game. Not only that but it effects gameplay with the addition of stats to the skins which I'm even more against. Upsetting the gameplay just for some extra cash. It's becoming an increasing trend among games these days and I fear it may going to get worse.

That's why I took action and said that I'm not going to play this anymore and gave it a negative review but I then learned now it's not going to do much. So instead I'll keep playing but I won't buy any future DLCs or any kind of microtransaction for PAYDAY 2 and I'm still leaving what I said here and leaving the reaview negative.

Overkill's actions must not go unoticed and we must shame them for it.

Welp... I think I'm done with PAYDAY 2 now.
After reading what Almir has to say on his AMA on reddit it's the final nail in the coffin for me to not play the game again. It was a fun but costly run but I can no longer follow Overkill and their greed. I can deal with the DLCs but now with microtransactions? That's a step to far for what I find is acceptable and it seems they are not going to change that.

This comment got me good: "We understand that there is a lot of fury, anger and disappointment with us adding this. From an economical standpoint however, completely based on statistics, we can already see that the Black Market update is working as we intended."
Which basically means, we're making money and in the end of the day that's all we care about.

I may return when they finally decided to do a 180.
So farewell PAYDAY 2... I'm gonna miss you.

Almir's reddit AMA: https://www.reddit.com/r/paydaytheheist/comments/3q53ms/crimefest_is_over_ama_discussion_with_almir_on/
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Trooperjack Oct 26, 2015 @ 11:54am 
I wan't to go on how I feel about Overkill's poor changes and decisions but right now I'm getting sick of it. I had enough putting up with thier increasing greed, lies and dissapointments. Everything from having heist and character DLCs seperate, the long countdown of an announcement to something not payday related, the "hype" train event, grinding hard for challenges for mostly crappy masks and microtransactions and a jump animation, etc.
It's not all bad things though... they tried some things to make the game more fun and enjoyable but that dose not stack up enough compared to all the other problems that this game still has.

My head hurts even while typing this. I'm now just boycotting the game until Overkill finally decides to change and fix it's problems.
Faolán Oct 25, 2015 @ 4:07pm 
I'm not sure what else they can do to make it worse. And I doubt they'll ever do something like... remake the Stealth system, because there would be no way to sell it as DLC.

The moment I gave up on the game was the Hypetrain event earlier in the year. Buy as many DLC packs as we can and we'll get free content if enough people do it? What? Funny how fast the PD2 community forgot about that one. But beyond the cash-grab that it was, it ruined the atmosphere of the game in my eyes. The Overkill pack, Miniguns, Rocket Launchers... Particle Effect masks, and many masks that were just hats, which don't hide your identity at all. It was clear that the sense of being a bankrobber was gone, replaced by a sensation of being a terrorist, creating trails of death and destruction, battling APC's, Stealing nuclear weapons to sell to other terrorists, and all while wearing hats because we no longer care about hiding our identities.
Trooperjack Oct 25, 2015 @ 3:12pm 
Looking back, I too don't understand why I'm only now decided to stop playing. The game definatly has it's faults even since release but I don't think that it's a bad game nor a fantastic game.
There's not alot of games that provide the fast-pace, crime, robbery game like payday and at it's core I like that. It's why I like Payday: The Heist alot when I first got it. It's only such a shame of how they didn't try hard enough to fix the game's problems and somehow managed to create more problems. I always hoped that they'll eventually fix the problems because this game has soo much potential to be a much more enjoyable and fun game but they didn't... and we pretty much got too many DLCs and now microtransactions.

I still want this game to be great but I finally realise that ain't going to happen any time soon... which I'm now worried how the game will be like in the future seeing how they're still supporting it until 2017.
Faolán Oct 25, 2015 @ 2:16pm 
I still don't understand, really truely don't understand, why this is the final straw for so many people. I realize you've put a lot of time into the game, as have I, but this is just the next money-grabbing system added by a company that has NEVER tried to hide the fact that they only care about money. The game has been broken since day one, the netcode, the desync, the bots, enemies moving and attacking through walls, the horrible card-loot system, the bullshit stealth mechanics where you can't even distract a guard and they see you from the other side of the planet... Payday 2 is, and always has been, a really lousy, poor quality game.

From Overkills perspective, as a company that has always only been interested in money, this new update is a raging success. Yes they lied, they went back on their word about never adding microtransactions. Are they scum? Yes. Have they always been scum? Absolutely yes.