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Recent reviews by Angry Tree

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45.6 hrs on record (15.9 hrs at review time)
Beat Saber is a rare gem - It can get even a lethargic shut-in like myself up, covered in sweat and frantically flailing my arms. Beat Saber is slowly making me more physically fit, a prospect as alarming as it is impressive.

It's been built around the VR platform, taking advantage of the format's strength and avoiding its weaknesses. The stationary background helps make it clear to the brain that you aren't the thing "moving" which helps to prevent the nausea which many feel when playing VR titles. The gameplay itself capitalises on the use of VR, delivering an experience that would be far less rewarding on a conventional screen.

Beat Saber has a low barrier to entry in terms of difficulty - even the lowest settings are fun and rewarding. The skill ceiling is enormous - progressing to hard, expert and expert+ will require not only training your brain, but your arm muscles and heart. Having said that, this is still very much a game and it keeps you involved with fun gameplay, striking visuals, surprisingly clever level design and, of course, a strong range of musical tracks to drive it all.

Strongly recommended.
Posted August 10, 2021.
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3.1 hrs on record
Octodad: Dadliest Catch is an indie puzzle game where you play a suburban husband and father who nobody suspects of being an octopus. The controls are deliberately awful remeniscent of QWOP. Much of the fun is born not from figuring out the solutions, but trying to make Octodad carry them out. It's a delicious blend of funny, uplifting and infuriating.
Posted February 6, 2014.
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3.3 hrs on record
A very impressive mod that gets you right back into that old Half Life 2 groove, but with enough fresh ideas to shake it up a bit. A couple of the puzzle elements are a little unintuitive, but its otherwise good stuff.
Posted January 5, 2014.
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Showing 1-3 of 3 entries