The Kaiser
Wilhelm Kaiser II   Saarland, Germany
British Empire: "The Empire on which the sun never sets"
The Kaiser: "The Empire on which the son sets to the perfect mood lighting, on which sets my stereo to play Falco: 'Rock Me Amadeus' On which orders the acquaintance of the Duchess of Cambridge, On which is in my bed, The Empire On which lies within my trousers, On which the Lady is...On... .On which such an act royal edict dictates marriage, On which dual monarchy reigns upon both lands to subjects, On which I can finally say "The (GERMAN) Empire ON WHICH THE SUN NEVER SETS....or on which thots are all the same...
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NK 29 aug. 2023 la 3:41 
Hi if your are reading this I have something to talk about, the mod "The Kaiser's Cinematic Fascist Speeches" , is not working properly for the most people!!!
Kaisergarde 2 iul. 2022 la 11:53 
Die Mod funktioniert noch, aber einige Reden fehlen. Woran kann das liegen?
Kaisergarde 2 iul. 2022 la 10:02 
Got some speeches deleted? Not all the speeches are showing up anymore:o
Roebuck 17 iun. 2022 la 8:37 
+rep friendly
Zarathustra1889 22 iun. 2021 la 4:34 
Hallo, when are you going to update your Speeches mod? Danke
🔥Emperor Pyromancer🔥 7 mart. 2020 la 23:55 
Hello mate i have added you to be friends, talking and sharing things, if you can accept me i would be glad and believe us may have something in commun