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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 4.7 hrs on record
Posted: Aug 14, 2018 @ 7:23am

To avoid spoiling anything at all, I will simply just talk about some of the newer mechanics provided as well as what feels like a much better choice system (without spoiling anything).
-Movement and Combat
I would say the biggest improvements I have noticed so far is a much more fluid movement and combat system. The camera angles now are mostly behind the shoulder 3rd person perspective. This overall gives a much better sense of control in combat and movement without fixed camera angles allowing you to look and turn around with the mouse and walk with the keys. How does this fit into combat? Whereas before combat would usually consist of pressing a button prompt in a QTE or quickly hovering your cursor over a certain spot and then clicking, the combat with this new movement system feels more engaging. Giving you the choice to stun a target for an easier takedown or to manage multiple walkers. It adds a sense of control and caution as you may have to stun one walker and then takedown another before the one gets back up, etc. You take the comabt into your hands, not a pre rendered QTE. There are still of course normal QTE's and such that we have come to know, but there definetely is not as many and it just helps the game feel so much more intuitive.
-Now onto choices....
This is a hard one to explain without giving any examples whatsoever that would spoil anything. You remember making a choice in previous games where it would say "blah will remember that?" Then sometimes it feels like it never had an impact at all in the end? What are they remembering it for? Did it affect anything at all? Well, this now gives you a much better idea of what exactly your choice has done. Either with dialogue that changes now entirely based on this choice, or relationship statuses and opinions on your character popping up rather than just "They will remember that." It really gives you a feeling that your choices are ACTUALLY impacting what is occuring in the story so far.
I feel that there is a major improvement here. I just feel the lighting is a lot better, there are more details on characters faces, and the gore/blood an improvement. It just looks and feels a lot better than before. The backgrounds also look a lot better and less muddy, and the definetely kept true to giving it a much more realistic feel with comic style graphics.
Yes! So far, I would say the changes they have made to the core mechanics mentioned above help this feel like a MUCH more better and engaging experience. I know a lot of people were getting tired of the same formula over and over again, and I feel like this is a significant improvement that many people can get back into! If you are a previous player of the past seasons, I'm sure you will pick this up and love it. If you were on the fence waiting for change in gameplay, you got it, pick it up. I am enjoying this experience much more than the previous ones, and I have always enjoyed them. This just feels so much better from Telltale. A welcoming wave of change that shows the developers are listening to our requests.
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