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Останні рецензії користувача Ryuko

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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 4
1 людина вважає цю рецензію кумедною
7.2 год. загалом (6.5 год на момент рецензування)
First and foremost, I will say that I've only played six hours at the time of this review however due to the nature of this game nothing will change as time moves on.

Guild of Dungeoneering is a card game dungeon crawler in which your goal is to complete the necesary objectives within a certain dungeon. This is a neat concept and worthy of praise within that on its own, however it falls short after that.

The game is terribly plagued by 'RNG' to levels of which you can have a losing streak of 100+ and there is absolutely nothing you can do. You can make the best possible choices in the game and yet the enemies will consistently draw every card they need while you fail to draw every single one you would need just to help you survive. Ontop of this you need to physically build your dungeon tiles with RNG drawn cards which can further screw you over and make it phyiscally impossible to complete the dungeons, Something the devs have commented they don't care about ever trying to fix.

The game is frustrating & a hindrance. I may have a short patience for such things but I feel as if the level of 'Skill and learning' ends so soon that you hit a point that your hoping and praying to win when in the end you simply get dealt the short end of the stick 9/10 times in which to some extent from what I've seen of the map is the only way to lenghten a very short game.

On the positive note however, Losing has no real impact. All levels & gear is reset on a mission per mission basis, Should a character die, they are just instantly replaced by another one who does the exact same thing, you can even rename them if it is what you so desire. You accumulate a tiny bit of gold even when losing as well.

So there is no real risk involved other than extreme frustration.

Guild of Dungeoneering may be neat as something to play on a tablet per say between classes in college or on a lunch break on the job, but as a solid sit down and play game, This is far from it. I do not reccomend this to anyone and I would advise it be avoided, If you don't mind RNG to ludicrous extents however then by all means go for it, just be prepared for a long frustrating game.
Додано 29 вересня 2015 р..
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