2 people found this review helpful
5.2 hrs last two weeks / 386.1 hrs on record (2.0 hrs at review time)
Posted: Nov 10, 2022 @ 4:00am
Updated: Nov 22, 2022 @ 10:50am

Early Access Review
It's not quite Artifact, but it scratches the itch.

Marvel Snap is basically a mix of Artifact and Gwent, but games only take <5 minutes and the monetization isn't as bad. Your progression will stagnate at one point, encouraging you to only play your dailies and nothing else if you want to get new cards, but the dailies, if played around them, won't take long each day.

The game has the classic Ben Brode/Hearthstone randomness to it, with each game having 3 randomly selected locations each providing various elements to the game, making the games not feel so boring and repetitive every single time. With only 12 unique cards in each deck, your draw will be consistent enough that most of the time you shouldn't complain about draw RNG.

"Now that's odd," you might say, "you're both praising the lack of RNG and the inclusion of RNG!" That much is true. Here comes the catch: the game also uses a poker style betting, where ranked matches are played for Cosmic Cubes. Each match starts with a wager of 1 cube, and if you allow the game to complete (i.e. you're not forfeiting early), it increases to two. Now, each player is allowed to Snap once per game, doubling the amount of cubes wagered after that turn (so you are allowed to "fold" your cards before the wager doubles). With this, each match has the possibility to range between 1 and 8 cubes. Therefore, complaining about ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ RNG (like Reddit likes to do) is pointless, because you can minimize your losses, and thus your rank gain is more dependant on the games you actually commit to (aka the games where you run good).

Thus, Marvel Snap theoretically eliminated the frustration of high randomness, and leaned into it with wacky cards and locations (don't tell Reddit, but my favorite one is Ego, a location that turns the game into an AI match by taking control from both players). With low initial stakes, no loss is too upsetting unless you allow it to be, and with low match time, you find yourself often going "just one more game". And the poker-style betting allows you to go for your Exodia decks where you have to draw very specific cards to win, since you can just back out with minimal losses in case you didn't manage to activate Pot of Greed.

P.S. Steam says I have 2 hours of playtime when writing this, but I have played this for the past 6 months on mobile
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