Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States
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Yo mama is so dumb, she thought Taco Bell was a Mexican phone company.

Yo mama is so fat, when she fell down it was hilarious. I wasn't laughing, but the floor was cracking up!

Yo mama's so stupid, she saw "under 17 not admitted" so she brought 16 of her friends.

Yo mama's so ugly, she scared the crap out of the toilet.

Yo momma is like a brick, She's rough and flat on both sides and she always gets laid by Mexicans.

Yo momma is so old, when she was young rainbows were black and white.

Yo Momma is like a bowling ball, she get's picked up, fingered, thrown in a gutter, and the ♥♥♥♥♥ still comes back for more.

Yo Momma is so skanky, the trailer park threw her out.

Yo Momma is like a bubble gum machine, a quarter a turn.

Yo Momma is like a light switch, even a 3 year old can turn her on.

Yo Momma is like a screen door, after a couple of bangs she tends to loosen up.

Yo Momma is so fat and stupid, that her waist is bigger than her I.Q.

Yo Momma breath is so disgustingly bad, that she needs Freshmints with batteries in it.

Yo Momma is so hairy, she's got afros on her nipples.

Yo momma is like a race car driver... she burns a lot of rubbers.

Yo Momma is like a Snickers bar - packed full with nuts.

You gotta tell yo momma to stop changing lipstick color - I'm getting a freaking rainbow on my ♥♥♥♥!

Yo Momma is like a fast food restaurant - quick and easy!!!

Yo Momma is like a shotgun, two ♥♥♥♥♥ and she blows.

Yo momma is such a dirty ♥♥♥♥♥ that they're making a dna test for the whole state of Texas just to find out who yo daddy is.

Yo momma is like a pirate, there she blows.

Yo Momma is like a bus, she's big she doesn't smell very good and it's only a dollar to ride.

Yo Momma is like a shotgun, five ♥♥♥♥♥ and she's loaded.

Yo momma's so fat and old when God said, "Let there be light," he asked your mother to move out of the way.

Yo momma is so ashy, every time she rubs her arms it snows.

Yo momma is so short, you can see her feet on her driver's license.

Yo momma's so smelly, that when she spread her legs, I got seasick.

Yo momma is so black, she got marked absent at night school.

Yo Momma's teeth are so yellow, that when she smiles, traffic slows down.

Yo momma's like a postal stamp: lick it, stick it, then send that ♥♥♥♥♥ away.

Yo mama is so dark when I clicked on her profile pic, I thought my phone died.

Yo momma's like a bowling ball: finger that ♥♥♥♥♥, then chunk her in the gutter.

Yo mama's teeth so yellow, I can't believe its not butter.

Yo momma is so little, when she went to meet Santa he said, "Go back to work!"

Yo mama's armpit is so hairy it looks like she has Bigfoot in a headlock.

Yo mama is like a campfire: everybody gets to stick their wieners in.

If pigs could fly, your mom would have wings.

Yo mama jokes are old and overused just like yo mama.

Yo momma's so nasty, when she pulls down her panties it sounds like Velcro.

Yo mamma is such ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ her password needed 8 characters, so she typed "Snow White and the 7 dwarfs."

Yo momma is such a ho they call her house Kum & Go.

Yo mama's so broke that she couldn't even pay attention.

Yo momma is just like a freezer: she lets everyone put their meat in her.

Yo momma's breath smelled so bad when she walked by a clock it said, "Tic Tac."

the difference between yo momma and a washing machine is that When I drop a load in the washing machine, it doesn't follow me around for a week.

Yo momma's so cross-eyed, she went to a movie and thought it was a double feature.

Yo momma like a prize fish: I can mount her or eat her.

Yo mama is so skinny she can dodge raindrops.

Your mum is like the sun: big, round, and hard to look at.

Yo mama is so small she can't even get high.

Your momma is like a hardware store: 10 cents a screw.

Your mama is so fat when she did a push up Earth went down.

Your momma's so stupid when my car ran out of gas she came over and farted in the tank.

Yo momma is so skinny she can hula hoop with a Cheerio.

Yo momma is so hairy, the only language she speaks is Wookie.

Yo mama is so big she got hit by a bus and said, "Hey, who threw a rock at me?"

Yo mama's breath is so bad people look forward to her farts!

Yo mama is so flat, that the last time she felt a breast was in a KFC bucket.

Yo mama has so many rolls of fat she has to screw on her pants.

Your momma's credit is so bad, the bank won't even lend her a pen to fill out a credit application.

Yo mama is so bald when she takes a shower she gets brainwashed.

Yo momma is so stank she makes skunks smell like desert flower Air Wick.

Yo mama is so nasty I told her to do the robot and now R2-D2 has crabs!

Yo mamma is like a door knob: everyone gets a turn.

Yo mama is like the sun: stare at her too long and you'll go blind.

Yo mamma is so hairy when she lifted her armpit she said, "Welcome to the jungle."

Yo mamma is so tall when she did a back flip, she kicked Jesus in the face.

Your mom is so fat and so black when she goes into the ocean people say, ''Ahh! Oil spill!"

Yo mama is so small she committed suicide off the curb.

Your mom has been bounced on more times than the "i" in Pixar.

Yo momma is just like Jupiter: huge, round, and gassy.

Yo momma is so gross, her shadow leaves a grease trail.

Yo momma's so big, that when she stops walking, she has to put her hazard lights on.

Yo mama is so dirty that when she takes a bath she becomes skinny.

Yo momma is so gay the rainbow wouldn't even taste her.

Yo mamma's so skinny, that she has to run around in the shower to get wet.

Yo mamma is so tall she used the Eiffel Tower as a dildo.

Yo momma's so black, it looks like she's been swimming in soy sauce.

Your mom is like a hockey player: she only showers after 3 periods.

Yo mama so lazy she has a remote for the TV remote.

Yo mama is so dark that she got her tattoo done in chalk!

Yo mama's so fat Honey Boo Boo's mom tried to give her a massage and got lost.

Your mom's so nasty she puts ice down her pants to keep her crabs fresh.

Yo mama is so greasy she uses bacon for a band-aid.

Yo momma is so ghetto, she had to steal a pair of shoes just to throw them over the power line.

Yo momma's so bucked toothed, when she bowed her head to pray, she bit a hole in her chest.

Yo momma is so bald, I can see what's on her mind.

Yo mama's breath stinks so bad she can't help but talk ♥♥♥♥.

Yo mama is so dark that she was riding a motorcycle and got a ticket for tinted windows.

Yo momma's thighs are so fat you can smack them and ride the waves.

Your momma is so stupid, she tried to steal a free sample.

Yo momma is so nasty they slapped a bio hazard sign on her back .

Yo momma's so ugly that her birth certificate was an apology letter from the Trojan man.

Yo momma's so ugly, instead of around the ankles, they put the bungee jumping cord around her neck.

Yo momma's so stupid, she cooks Indian curry with Old Spice.

Yo momma is so fat if she does jumping jacks in high heels she will strike oil!

Yo mama is so scrawny she makes skinny jeans look fat.

Yo momma's so broke, she got an eviction notice on her car.

Yo momma's so smelly, an old blind geezer walking by asked her, "Yo, how much for the shrimp platter?".

Yo momma is so nasty when she went to take a shower the soap-on-a-rope hung itself.
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Mite Oct 14, 2022 @ 8:34am 
+nick gur
big boy claudette Oct 2, 2021 @ 4:42am 
+rep good survivor
je moeder vriend Oct 21, 2020 @ 2:06am 
+rep :steamsalty:
Kendrick Lamar Sep 3, 2020 @ 11:30am 
+rep he wasn't aiming for the truck
ware germanewiener Jul 7, 2020 @ 1:26am 
+rep ♥♥♥ de bucket voor de bucket jou cumt
MusicMachine Jun 13, 2020 @ 11:42pm 
+rep nice round