Sli Luiniex   Brazil
Oh hi! So how are you holding up? Because >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

VV Quote Wall VV

Slash: puta cara
Slash: cifudê
Slash: vou fapar porque fapar é grátis
Sli Luiniex: feliz ano novo
Sli Luiniex: iei
Mega: vaçifuderapais
Mega: ISSO É GOTY 2000
Sli Luiniex: you and i are a lot alike mate
Sli Luiniex: except i'm an owl
Sli Luiniex: and you're dead
Slash: hi owl
Slash: I'm dead
Slash: sabe que eu
Slash: já baixei esse video for poopin' reason
Slash: c:
Sli Luiniex: porrrra
Sli Luiniex: tudo isso?
Slash: sli pls
Slash: video pra mim tem que ser por metro
Sli Luiniex: é vivendo que se aprende
Sli Luiniex: vamos embora
Sli Luiniex: mas não me comprometa
Sli Luiniex: meu negócio é outro
Sli Luiniex: *le vídeo de gameplay
Slash: por mim tudo bem
Slash: cada um assiste o que é seu
Slash: *le poop de gmod*
Sli Luiniex: Como é seu nome?
Slash: Islexi
Slash: guitar_solo.mp3
Sli Luiniex: num pareçi
Slash: bem melhor um yoshi com esteroides do que uma shuriken
Mega: mais fishy do que as opções de alimentos do sims 2 castaway
Sli: eu gosto desse carro
Sli: o vidro dele não quebra
Mega: LEL
Sli: .
Sli: a
Mirror: a versão do slash
Sli: oboi crash
Mirror: also
Mirror: fico feliz em ouvir isso
Mirror: não fico muito feliz em ouvir isso
Sli: anyway baixando paladins
Slash is now Online.
Sli: caceta
Sli: 2fast2quick
Slash: 800 meth > jogo
Mega: IEI
Mega: gosto de explosões batidas, não mexidas
Sli: com grandes poderes
Sli: vem grandes ....
Mega: fapadas
Mega: você tinha uma lampada
Mega: e podia iluminar coisas
Mega: goty 2014
AndroFox: existem 4 tipos de uber, sabia?
AndroFox: 4 tipos de uber
Mega: de carro
Mega: de água
Mega: de avião
Mega: de moto
Mega: digo
AndroFox: voce sabe o que elas fazem?
Mega: me levam pra onde eu quero
Mega: digo
Mega: n
AndroFox: deveriamos jogar prophunt
Mega: e você devia tomar no cu
Sli: o que querem?
Mega: morrer
Slash: sexo
Sli: iei
Sli: filis aniversario meguinha
Mega: rapais
Mega: cifude
Mega: esse jogo me deixa ser um belo feladapoota
Mega: e gosto disso
Mega: eu chego na mulher e falo OLHA PRO CANO e ela abre as pernas
Mega: ih somos dois fodidos
Mega: voce me magoou
Sli: megoou*
Mega: cifuderapais
Sli: nao fiquei triste meguinha
Sli: eu estou aqui
Mega: defina aqui
Mega: você tá mais longe que sly pra pc
Sli: aqui
Sli: eu todos os lugares
Sli: sou o alfa e o omega
Mega: n
Mega: eu sou omega
Mega:eu achei a combinação engraçada
me fez rir
obrigado sli
agora cifude
Mega:tem o dante
tem o outro dante
e um figudante
Mega:todo jogo que vejo com uma bolt action
parece origami
isso me incomoda
Andy: hgighlkjhkhg
Sli: q
Sli: Q
Sli: Q²
Andy: ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((HGIGHLKJHKHG))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Sli: ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Q))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Andy: avacifude
Slash: ♥♥♥
Slash: LIKE
Slash: ♥♥♥
Sli: entramos quente e saímos gelado
Sli: entendi
Slash: .
Slash: oporra
Sli: exato
Slash: não literal oporra antes que f-
Slash: aks,jfgfhaskgufaskfaksgufasç´gojalsk,dgujhbaloaks,jfgfhaskgufaskfaksgufasç´gojalsk
Currently Offline
Artwork Showcase
No, Mr. Sli. I expect you to drive.
5 8
Screenshot Showcase
Stars among saints
1 4
Review Showcase
665 Hours played
TL:DR: This game is very shallow. At first, it looks like there’s a lot to do and see, but soon you’ll realize that most of it lacks any kind of depth. Get it only if you really, REALLY like building for the sake of simply building, or if you’re used to modding your games a lot, otherwise hold on to your money.

Building in this game is pretty good, plenty of blocks and furniture to build pretty much anything you want, and the best part is that you can call in a tenant that is themed to whatever you built, so not only can you build anything you want, you can also populate it.
The bad side, is that there's absolutely no reason to build. Your ship gets upgraded with much more room than you'll ever need, and tenants aren't useful in any way nor profitable enough to justify the work it requires, which make one of the best parts of the game mostly pointless.

There's a wide selection of mods at the workshop, and you can install anything you want with a single click, however, if your mods start conflicting or one of them suddenly give you errors, you won't be able to fix that just as easily. Not saying it's impossible, but don't expect a single button to save you from a mess like the one you used to get into it.

Most of Starbound’s alien races and bland and unoriginal, either on their design, their culture or both. It's common for fictional races to be based on our human history, but in Starbound, most of the races got nothing going for them but a shallow representation of those.
Glitch are medieval robots, Hylotl are Japanese fish, Floran are tribal plant people, Apex are futuristic Apes, Avians are Egyptians birds and Novakids are cowboy humanoids ball of gas.
With the exception of Apex and Avian, every other race culture are carbon copy of past human civilizations. Unfortunately the game compensates for that by having the most unoriginal design. The Novakids are the worst of the bunch: a literal mini-sun cowboy is something you would expect from a fantasy game, not from a Sci-Fi one.

Speaking of which, the game is filled with weird things such as those. It feels like the developers wanted a sci-fi game to make it stand out but had no idea on how to do it, so they just made a fantasy game with a Futuristic paint coat over it.
You get people firing arrows at, and managing to hurt you even if you got a full body armor of the best material you could find throughout the universe. There's also talking penguins building robots, staves that can summon clouds of fire/ice/shock/poison to rain down on your enemies, among other things.

It's bad. It feels like playing an online game even though you're playing alone. Sometimes enemies just stop in their tracks like you lost connection to the server. During these periods, any damage you do during is distributed to all of the enemies once the game goes back to normal.

Imagine my surprise when 1.0 finally launched after various delays, and i realized they simply removed as much content as they added: weapons, clothing, techs, hairstyles; even racial weapons which were simply reskins the different races had for craftable weapons got removed once the game "launched". Most of those things had no reason to be removed and some of the old systems were better than the new ones, in the end the game felt like it had less content at launch than at the beta.

Special abilities you have. Before 1.0, you had quite a few different ones and most of them were unique. Instead of rebalancing and refining those, they chose to stick with only 3 slots of techs, a Metroid-like morph ball, a dash, and an air jump. Each of those has 3 slightly different choices. Sadly most of those are completely unbalanced and there's a clear best option of the three, making this entire thing boring where everyone has pretty much the same techs.

Also lackluster, it's often unnecessary to fight monsters, as they rarely get in the way and they only drop half a dozen materials (for a few weapons that you may or may not want to craft), humanoids are a simple A.I, no matter the race. They either rush at you with melee weapons or keep their distance and shoot.
But the worst of all is that you can use healing items with absolutely no cool down or use time. The only real limit to your healing is how many healing items you are currently carrying, which denies much of the consequence of getting hit.

Also boring, you get excited at first, but most worlds work basically the same way, one biome may look prettier than the other and have a unique monster, but that beauty will fade the second time you see it, and the monsters won't give you anything special.
Dungeons are the same deal. Most of the monsters inside are the same you'll find outside, and humanoids act the same as everywhere else. Since the loot is random generated there's nothing inside you won't find anywhere else.
In conclusion, exploration is shallow. You may be in awe the first time you find something new and see a new monsters in action, but you’ll get bored quickly once you realize that due to random generation every dungeon has the same loot; that monsters are unimportant and ignorable (you can just walk past them and heal the occasional hit), and that planets are basically reskins of past ones.

Fishing or Paleontology serves no purpose. They are incredibly repetitive and lady luck interacts more with it than you do.
Do any of those once and you already seen all it has to offer; it won’t get more challenging or engaging. You'll simply do the same thing over and over again, what fish/bone you get from that is completely up to luck, and you have no control over your prize.
On top of all that there’s no additional prize for completing your collection, you can display the bones you excavated or put the fish in an aquarium, but other than that, it’s pointless.

The ability to build and customize mechs is good, but since you have a time limit when using it on the ground and there are only a dozen different enemies in outer space where you're supposed to use it, you won’t get much use of that. In the end the most fun part about them is crafting and customizing your own.

The history missions are divided into scan missions, where you have to go to a planet and scan it to progress; and dungeon missions, where you have to go through a dungeon and fight a boss. Scan missions are boring and repetitive, and their only purpose is to hold your hand instead of letting you explore on your own. Differently, dungeon missions are actually decent for the most part.
The NPCs you recruit start out well but get progressively worse. The first two NPCs gives you side missions; third one gives you random buffs; the fourth one sells upgrades; but the last one only upgrades the sword you got at the beginning of the game. Once you upgrade the sword, (if you still have it) there’s no other use for him, you literally press a button and that’s all he was there for.
On top of that, your prize for completing the history mission is a bag containing a random generated weapon, a bunch of money, and a thank you card from the devs. Nothing unique or worth your time.

PLOT: (Spoilers)
Simple and basic, but I find it weird how they thought it was a good idea to make Sci-fi game’s story about a space-god that fights space-Cthulhu to seal him away, or make this same space-god revive you at the end of the game.

If there’s one word to describe this game, it’s shallow. Mostly everything in the game is shallow and merely present for superficial, short-lasting beauty, or so the devs could say they added that to the game. I’m not even going to mention the numerous delays and broken promises from the developers because I don’t have room in this already long review, and because frankly it doesn’t even matter, even ignoring all that this is still a lackluster game, and not worth your money or time.
Sli Dec 30, 2023 @ 5:33am 
Uma hora o jogo cansa nao tem jeito, mas ainda jogo de vez em quando
GressKar Dec 29, 2023 @ 11:46am 
Num jogo mais tf2 cabra parece eu :espresso:
Mega Apr 5, 2021 @ 10:14am 
shootdodge onto the bed.
Sli Apr 5, 2021 @ 9:20am 
Funny as hell. It was the worst bed i could think of.
Mega Apr 4, 2021 @ 10:39pm 
visto que "grama" rima com "cama", isto torna a grama uma cama válida. fato.
Mega Jul 1, 2020 @ 8:19pm 
me juntarei quando tocarem biridin