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Posted: Jul 6, 2020 @ 11:31am

I received Half-Life: Alyx in a bundle with the Valve Index.
Half-Life: Alyx provides an amazing and immersive VR environment that no other VR title can even come close to touching. The game knows how to teach you new mechanics in easy ways and then later put you in an environment where multiple mechanics tie together in an intense/frightening way. The physics on interactable items are better than even any other AAA videogame (in and out of VR) I've seen. The Russells™ are a great methodology to grab items without bending/reaching in VR constantly. The only downside I can think of is that I wish more objects were interactable but that is such a nit-picky thing to say considering you can interact with so much. I honestly think it will be a long time before a VR game tops Half-Life: Alyx.
This game has easily become a rite of passage for those that are getting into virtual reality.
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