Kirill   Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
«Ничем не может владеть человек, пока он боится смерти. А кто не боится ее, тому принадлежит все.» - Лев Толстой, "Война и мир".
«Man can be master of nothing while he fears death, but he who does not fear it possesses all.» - "War and peace", Leo Tolstoy.

«Только о двух вещах мы будем жалеть на смертном одре - что мало любили и мало путешествовали.» - Марк Твен.
«Only two things we'll regret on deathbed – that we are a little loved and little traveled.» - Mark Twain.
Tällä hetkellä paikalla
Friend deployed, everyone gather here! A remake of an older item, you might remember him. He is paintable and has jiggle bones. Models/textures/rigging: Vap SFM promos: Hotrod McCoolguy
30 068 arvostelua
Tila - Odottaa, Luonut - Vap ja Hotrod McCoolgal
Thank You, kimberlyrav, For Gifting me Promo-Code for This Cutiest Thing! <3 <3 <3
16 6
Vaihdettavissa olevat esineet
2 662
2 832
vaihtoa tehty
kauppapaikan ostotapahtumaa
Taking Offers.
Viimeaikainen toiminta
yhteensä 4 870 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 30.4.
yhteensä 3,8 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 16.11.2023
yhteensä 4,2 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 16.11.2023
gangsOFbeast 13.5. klo 11.19 
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🔥🔥🔥 This dude is fire 🔥🔥🔥
❗️💯 Let’s be friends for future games 💯❗️

💎💎 Have a wonderful experience during each match💎💎
⚜️⚜️ Stay safe & take care⚜️⚜️

🤤🤤🤤The profile is awesome🤤🤤🤤

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nyaynyanya:3 9.5. klo 15.53 
+rep, I kinda liked your profile and thought we could be friends :3
react 4.5. klo 2.37 
hey, added
黑色 🖤 BLVCK 2.5. klo 10.57 
yoooo, there :steamthumbsup:
8 30.4. klo 14.48 
Added for a question
Landara 26.4. klo 6.37 
Let's give 'em a game to remember.