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Posted: Dec 22, 2015 @ 9:36pm
Updated: Dec 27, 2015 @ 9:16pm

Mixed feelings.
The idea is fun.
The first few hours of play are fun.
Unfortunately, the enemies quickly out-pace you for health and damage.
Other bugs abound, too. Constantly having adventuerers disapear from the lists.
They're not adventuring - they are poofed. I have to restart the game to fix this.
Maybe it'll get patched and get better.
Edit: Devs are apperantly paying some attention and were already thinking about modding the tutorial/patching more bugs. Will update review pending those changes. Read below for more.
Edit: Dev believes his tutorials adequately cover the scenarios I complained about and that my reading is subpar. Take of that what you will.
Edit: Google "Sim Hero" for a different, less buggy take on being king/queen/giving adventurers orders. Way better.
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Developer response:
Takkin  [developer] Posted: Dec 26, 2015 @ 3:52pm
Correcting Misinformation in Review:

Tutorials have already been updated a few times to improve to community feedback. They're currently at a point where we haven't heard/seen any complations. We've asked Seneschul to make a post on the forum with any trouble they're having with Tutorials and Suggestions. We're always active and listening to community feedback and patching in updates where needed.

We never stated that Seneschul's 'reading is subpar' and have asked him to remove his mis-quote/assumption from his Review. We're simply trying to prod for information, and to understand what part of the Tutorial was lacking in his opinion. We still have not gotten any of that feedback/detail so we can look into make adjustments if needed. A lot of people spam-click through the Tutorials, and we feel that this might be the case weith Seneschul since we can't get any kind of details from them.

Seneschul just seems to need some help in understanding the mechaics of the game. We've advised them to come to the forum for help; where any of the devs and even the community would be glad to help them out. Through our comment discussions it sounds like they're not moving on to the next sets of dungeons, which is where you gather the next tier gear/loot; potential issues with them not putting in the correct character stats, or group make-up.

We're just not sure; because Seneschul can't/won't provide us with any detailed information about his issues. We've been trying to discussion/work with them even on Christmas and our personal break.
Takkin  [developer] Dec 26, 2015 @ 3:53pm 
You're certainly allowed to read into my 'text' as however you'd like; but you should know it was never intended to be 'Insulting' or telling you that you 'suck' at the game. Obviously, if you're misunderstanding the game, and playing it incorrectly; then you're going to have a really bad (hard) time playing it! Therefore, as I stated, multiple times, we'd be more than -happy- to help you out on our forums; along with anyone else in the community.

I never once mentioned, or stated, that your 'reading is subpar' and would appreciate it if removed your misquoting of me. Otherwise we'll be forced to tag your review for Steam Review.

I'm literally here, on my Christmas Break, trying to help you out; and you're attempting to slader me about it, which I really don't appreciate Seneschul. I'm just trying to be helpful, and you don't want any help; just say so, and we'll leave things where they there.
Seneschul Dec 25, 2015 @ 10:40pm 
You are too close to your problem, and the insular way in which you reject my statements tells me I shouldn't even bother trying to work with you on this stuff.
So go on, think of this as "Seneschul sucked at playing Adventure Manager".
My gift to you, [VA]Strikes. Merry Christmas.
Seneschul Dec 25, 2015 @ 10:38pm 
Dude, you're obviously not open to discussion on this. You keep coming back around to "But,... you must have skipped the tutorial".
The tutorial in your game is abominable.
It doesn't explain that you can't use gems on grey gear, for instance.

My fast forward did not get stopped, and the event log had a snarky statement about me using fastforward too much when the sacking occurred.

You don't get new players to love your game by patronizing them. I'm not sure if it's you, or me, or my writing, or your writing, but the tutorials you keep harping on did not adequately cover much of what you seem to think it covered. I feel like you haven't read my statements, or that you're so busy trying to tell me how I'm wrong you're failing to realize I had a crappy time with your game. I've tried talking to you about it, and all you can say is that I was doing it wrong, but you can't tell me how or what, just that I did not read the tutorials.
Takkin  [developer] Dec 25, 2015 @ 9:53pm 
#6 - Grab a good group; 1x Tank - 2x DPS, 1x Healer... so say, Fighter / Cleric / Rogue / Wizard to start with at the beginning. Make sure you're increasing their Stats as they level for all their main stat points; STR for Warrior, WIS for Cleric, STR for Rogue (if melee weapon), INT for Wizard. Use the Equipment Filtering System to find gear that matches their Stats that you want. When you clear a dungeon and you feel like you've got it on farm; switch it over to Heroic Difficulty and get even better gear! Also; every Dungeon Boss drops a few different "Unique Gear Sets" that have amazing stats!
Takkin  [developer] Dec 25, 2015 @ 9:50pm 
#5 - Would you like to have a look at my played time? The played time of some of our other veteran players that contribute to the forum and provide us feedback, as well? There's Hundreds of Hours there. If you're only at level 8 after 5 hours of playing; there is totally something wrong! Hit us up on the forum, start a discussionm, and ask the community for some feedback/suggestions/help on your progression. We've got a very friendly and helpful community so I really hope we see you join us there! We would LOVE to help you out!
Takkin  [developer] Dec 25, 2015 @ 9:47pm 
#4 - Again, The Endurance System is covered in the Tutorial. There's even a 'Game Stop' to explain it as soon as your Endurance Level hits a specific value that would alter your Character's Stats. Time still passes when you're running Dungeons on your own; you don't have to Fast Forward all the time; it's only there as a secondary mechanic if you want to quickly push through something (Training / Resting / etc). If you're playing the game as a "Fast Forward" game, then you're going to have a really bad time.
Takkin  [developer] Dec 25, 2015 @ 9:44pm 
#3 - Again, I have no idea how you're not coming up with gear. The game literally tosses you 1-6 items an Encouter. I'm not even sure how you could have every fight drag out; since we've patched the game and sped up combat, made the Monsters easier to kill, and increased overall XP gain so all Adventuers should be very OP early on into the game now. I honestly think you're missing a lot of the features of the game, and aren't doing everything you should be doing in the game to make sure your Adventurers are efficient. Do you have a screenshot of any of your parties/Gear/etc? We'd love to try and help you out!
Takkin  [developer] Dec 25, 2015 @ 9:41pm 
#2 - The Tutorial has been tuned and adjusted multiple times; with feedback from the community. There hasn't been an extremely high volume of anyone else having issues with the tutorial.

I have no idea what you're doing; if you're getting Adventurers to level 10+ and you still have iLevel 3 Gear. It sounds like you need some guides/assistance in how to play the game. As your characters levels up, you should be sending them to higher level dungeons that are on par with their skill/level. Are you just sending them to The Cave over and over?

Endurance is covered in the Tutorial, Gear, Crafting, the University; all covered in the Tutorial. It honestly sounds like you just completely skipped it. If you'd like, I can send you the whole script?
Takkin  [developer] Dec 25, 2015 @ 9:38pm 
#1 Cont. - You more certainly have a chance to combat the Invasion Foce, at all times. As soon as it spawns; Fast-Forwarding Stops, and then it's up to you to continue fast-forwarding or going about your business. Every tick after that the Invasion can Auto-Sack. Are you positive you didn't skip that Tutorial Explaination from the Jester?
Takkin  [developer] Dec 25, 2015 @ 9:36pm 
#1 - There is a Warning on the Invasions, and there is a Tutorial covering that. If you fast-forward when there's an Invasion Warning present on the screen, every tick of time there's a chance they'll sack a town. The chance gets higher and higher as the warning level increases and the Invasion isn't delt with. There's certainly an RNG chance that an Invasion can auto-sack a town the very next hour after one spawns; just a very low chance.