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Recent reviews by Scarlet

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128.2 hrs on record (14.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I like the part where you shoot the gun at the guys and it go boom
Posted August 1, 2022.
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30.2 hrs on record (19.7 hrs at review time)
This game is the definition of "You get as much as you put into it."

Cruelty Squad is one of my favorite games of this year and, most likely, of all time. It subverts so much of the fps genre with weird mechanics such as the reload and HUD, while also having each of them be useful to the player in a number of ways. It also has some of the best progression mechanics I've seen so far, and it really makes you feel like going from a cannibalistic psychopath to a CEO Executive psychopath.

The game also features one of the most intricate storytelling and plot I've seen in the industry. The world of Cruelty Squad is very alienating at first, but similar to the game-play the player puts the pieces together and it becomes second-nature. I won't even spoil a single thing about the world of Cruelty Squad because it's better experienced by yourself. All I can say is that 1. You can talk to your targets before you kill them (except for ones with weapons) and 2. Each level has a secret inside, waiting to be discovered.

One of the achievements of this combination is that it turns the player into a monster. You start out as a "####ed up detached loser" and work your way up to be, well a grotesque monstrosity of implants including a grappling hook intestine and having an ammunition generator in your gland. But hey, at least you're a well respected member of society with a well-paying job of murder. Not only that, but your bank goes from the negatives to the hundreds of thousands. It's a very interesting take on the "dystopian anti-capitalist" genre of First Person Shooters.

To sum this all up, I'll explain the game in one sentence. Cruelty Squad uses violence as a way to explain how corrupt the top-ranking members of capitalist society really are.
Posted July 13, 2022.
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256.4 hrs on record (92.6 hrs at review time)
Even if you complete the game, this game has enough replayability to keep you coming back. Honestly, I wouldn't expect to say this, but the game about a crying child who shoots tears at an autospy corpse filled with flies, his own fetus, and satan is probably one of the best games I've ever played in a long time.
Posted March 12, 2020.
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234.1 hrs on record (172.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
This game...is amazing. There is so much stuff you can do in this game. Roleplay,Surviving,and even PVP. This game is reccomend for anyone looking for a fun experince.
Posted May 24, 2017.
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Showing 1-4 of 4 entries