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RooBubba Jan 16, 2014 @ 2:55am 
Shoot me up if I'm in game and it's not passworded!
Sandman77 Jan 13, 2014 @ 2:45pm 
i hope we ever get a ns2 game going
Sandman77 Feb 27, 2013 @ 1:56pm 
Im very much intrestred in NS2, I am a well basically only a coop player these days... I love games you can jump in and be part of a team and make a change... A copy would be cool and Id love to play with ya. :) I can only give back Dota 2 beta gifts, got tons of those...
RooBubba Feb 27, 2013 @ 4:10am 
I'm considering giving away a few copies of Natural Selection 2 to my steam friends who do not already own the game.

My motivation is to support Unknown Worlds Entertainment by providing them with more sales and players. I firmly believe NS2 is one of the best games of the last decade. It's made by a small team who produced a remarkable HL1 mod, who then spent a number of years working on a standalone game. On 28 Feb, they are releasing a free major update to the game, nicknamed Gorgeous, which will provide us with more gameplay depth, more features, and some bug fixes to boot. There may or may not be a free weekend, or steam sale around this time as well.

My offer of buying people the game is not limited to any sale period, I just ask that you give the game a fair chance. I haven't played anything else since NS2 was released, and I have some major titles on my steam games list waiting to be played - that's how much I love this game!

Shout here/message me if you're interested.
Savage^ Apr 1, 2012 @ 11:11am 
No roobubba's NS2 server? :o