
Последние обзоры Roller!

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I would classify this game as "ADHD relief simulator".

You get to use all parts of your brain on every single minor detail you have, what you face against, and what you will face against. I have never been more glued to my screen than when I play this game

Even after 150 hours, this game still gives me a rush!

Опубликовано 29 апреля.
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3.8 ч. всего (3.7 ч. в момент написания)
I'll admit, its not as good as Amnesia. However, the idea of fear and suspense is still there. It's a bit dumbed down for the average player, but it still holds a nice fear factor. experienced Amneia players will be disappointed, I can guarantee that. But, I guess they had to take out the survival factor to make more room for the suspense.
Опубликовано 11 сентября 2013 г..
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