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Recente recensies door Revadarius

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4 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
60.4 uur in totaal (60.3 uur op moment van beoordeling)
This game runs highly on it's hype and FOMO.

But in reality, it's a very limited game and the gameplay loop is rudimentary.

As many weapons, armours and strategems you may have you really only run a handful - everyone practically runs the same thing after a point because there's 2-3 weapon in the meta, about 6-7 strategems and 3-4 armours.

The immense amount of bugs and issues this game has in actually unreal, and it gets a huge pass by it's own community. You'll be hit by camera issues, weapon issues, damage issues, launching issues, graphic and HUD issues - the list is pretty endless. And they're detrimental to the game. Sometimes they're funny, but when you're stuck with a bug that ruins 20-30 minutes runs, and does that multiple times it just becomes annoying.

And then we move onto the community - 9/10 times I join randoms who are nice in chat (text or speech) and just for poopies and giggles will kill you at the end just to extract without you. It doesn't mean much, but it's just...why? Or they'll join your game and deplete your reinforcements.

This is a "fun with your mates" game you shouldn't take seriously. The overarching lore i appreciate with the devs reacting to the fanbase and their shenanigans, but it doesn't make up for the fact this is a subpar game in every aspect.

I know these words are going to offend a lot of people, but this game is famous due to it's memes and popculture reference rather than the quality of the product. I'm legitimately ashamed of myself for buying into the hype.
Geplaatst 8 april.
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23 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
10.0 uur in totaal
Adult Visual Novel? Okay. Honestly, I got this recommended to me so much it just made me curious. So I originally 'acquired' it elsewhere to trial it. After a single hour I immediately bought it on Steam. No hesitation.

And Why? Well... it comes off corny, but in a good ol' fashion humorous way. There's some in-depth character development through the comedy and quirkiness of the scenes, and underneath the surface of the gags is some real deep emotional story telling. I know, I cannot believe it either. You're not just here because "Herp-derp, dumb guy screws all the girls in his forced harem". Actually, the sex scenes add to the emotional story telling and character development I mentioned.

To be honest, you could blank out the sex scenes and just let the audience fill in the blanks with their imagination and it wouldn't detract from such an excellent story. But the sex scenes do add a layer of depth through how intimate they are.

I came for boobies (lol), and left wanting to continue this space epic.

I will be getting seasons 2, and any future episodes as they launch.

Honestly, I wish could I explain in more detail why this game hooks you, and why you should buy it - but I don't want to spoil a single moment. If you don't mind the occasional ♥♥♥ shot and enjoy a space epic then get this game.
Geplaatst 12 augustus 2023. Laatst gewijzigd 22 november 2023.
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2.5 uur in totaal (1.9 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Used my deductive reasoning and English charm to prove my innocence. People found me to be trustworthy. During a very intense round, someone decided they trusted me enough to follow me to navigation. And whilst we bounded over our shared trauma...I decided to stab him mid sentence, jump into a vent a laugh maniacally knowing I had committed the perfect murder.

Trust no one, especially the English.
Geplaatst 23 november 2022.
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2.9 uur in totaal
Recensie tijdens vroegtijdige toegang
What we have here isn't a game. It's a tech demo. I had bought the top end tools by the 3rd day just from cutting trees in the first 2 and selling them for quite a lot of gold....
Which isn't impressive. The watering cans don't seem to hold more water, they just water quicker. Instead of 5 whacks it takes 3 whacks. But your energy depletes so rapidly it doesn't make much difference.

Making potions? Well... weirdly, the more I put points into increasing rarity it actually nullified the ability to get more than a 1 star potion. No matter the ingredients used, no matter which order. I made over 60 relaxing potions. All 1 star, yet before I upgraded my rarity skill I made 10 and nearly all were 2-3 stars.

But I basically hit the 'end game' almost immediately. Several game days in I was using the best tools, had all the crafting stuff. Had found all resources in my logs. Had made all potions. There wasn't much left to do except just grind.... which wasn't fun. And I'll elaborate after some other points first.

You have plots you can buy, but it takes so long to water plants that the space around your house is more than substantial for all your farming needs. It takes so long to water your plants (even when you have an inventory full of water cans, so you don't have to top up your water in the river as frequently) that even if you bought the other plots you wouldn't have enough time in a day to water them all (Trust me, tried and tested). It's a very meticulous process of digging a plot, planting seeds and having to pour your watering can until the round dial/meter is full for the plant. It's long enough of plants, it's an eternity if you're growing trees (lord give me strength). Mining is simple, there's a little mine in the corner that spawns 1-5 nodes of various resources. Swing, hit rock, deplete mana, take goodies and leave. They respawn daily.

Now, the potion making. You can quick-fill the items you need to make potions (different items have a different icon, depending on what resource they offer to the potion - such as salt for example. And you place the items in the pot in a specific order to make specific potions..

When you need to make a continual amount of potions it takes a lot of time, and trying to grab a lot of the ingredients is so difficult. You have to not click on them to get them to highlight (which means you can grab them) to then drag and drop in the pot.

And that's the game. There's random villager quests you can do, but that's just for a huge chunk of gold. And that's the only really motivator in the game apart from playing the game in order to farm, create and sell potions to amass gold for cosmetic items.

The 'game' isn't even a bare bones game, it's an £8 tech demo that has been in early access for 2 years and still in alpha. It's missing so much content to even be a game. The gameplay loop has immediate flaws and is quick to bore. There's no longevity or reason to do anything beyond experiencing what it has to offer and being disappointed.

I am unsure how people can up vote this game in any good conscience, and bewildered to why it has so many votes that are recommending in when there's dime-a-dozen games similar to this that get panned without prejudice.
Geplaatst 20 september 2021.
Was deze recensie nuttig? Ja Nee Grappig Prijs
2 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
7.2 uur in totaal (4.4 uur op moment van beoordeling)
This is a generic mobile waiting game with real world timers. Wanna skip a day or a week until your crops grow? NOOOOOPE
Sure, watering brings the timers down. But you've got to wait hours almost immediately, and then days.

Why do I want to wait days to play a game? The only thing this game is missing are microtransactions to skip the timers.

And even if that wasn't an issue, you just unlock land with no reason... but to have more land. You level up to unlock crops, aesthetic pieces (fences, paths, etc). So you're just adding travelling time on top of the slow harvesting and crop replacement... to then turn the game off and wait 3 days to harvest your crops.

What's the point? After 4hrs I was already done, and I'm aching for a farming sim right now... How is this game so positively rated?
Geplaatst 16 september 2021.
Was deze recensie nuttig? Ja Nee Grappig Prijs
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9.0 uur in totaal
I'm gonna be honest. I love the game, but my first attempt at it I soft locked myself 3hrs into my first playthrough. Deleted my safe and started again. Soft locked myself 30 minutes into my second playthrough. Deleted my safe and started again. I then did a complete run through without issue. And even with the set backs, I thoroughly loved the game.

The only reason I didn't give this a thumbs up sooner, and nearly gave it a negative review because - in my mind - a small indie game isn't complex on the level of a AAA that costs hundreds of thousands or even millions to make with an extensive amount of staff and manpower to maintain and fix. And it had some basic issues that it just shouldn't have been released with. Some game breaking bugs/crashing issues, being able to soft lock yourself and stop your progression with the only fix is to delete your game and start again. And the game is stupendously short... I know it was only £7.20, but you can beat it blindly in 2-4hrs tbh, I did a 100% collect everything in less than 5, whilst still prating around.

But don't get me wrong, I absolutely loved 100%-ing the game, swinging around and building webs. Catching flies, dancing with the various denizens of the tree and the surrounding areas. Life was a blast. It's just a simply cute and simply fun game. Yet the web swinging and web making mechanics are great. Though I'd argue they're extremely under utilized - to the point that I wish I could do more with them. Like a 2D spiderman game, but with more application. (Webbed DLC, sequel or even sandbox game when??)

All of what I said aside, now that my major issues with the game have been addressed... I simply cannot fault this game, even to be pedantic. It's a great game and you'll love it, even if you're an arachnaphobe like myself (there's an accessibility option to make your spider a blob. So yay!).

Okay, stop reading now. Shoo. SHOO! Go buy, go play.
Geplaatst 13 september 2021.
Was deze recensie nuttig? Ja Nee Grappig Prijs
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2 mensen vonden deze recensie grappig
15.0 uur in totaal
I got a Priest to level 17, I was questing through all happy. Doing and finding everything along the way, enjoying crafting.

Then I hit my first 5 man dungeon. And that's when it all hit me and the novelty of the game fell off.

I went from enjoying a Tera-esque fantasy MMORPG that wasn't a tab-target re-hash like most dime-a-dozen MMOs that was a little quirky with it's not so polished UI, HUD, graphics and optimization. To ultimately realizing I'm playing a cash-grabbing, unfunctioning messy piece of crap that doesn't know what good game design is if Yoshi P had jumped up and ♥♥♥♥♥ slapped it with his left testicle (google if you're unsure who that is).

And that all happened because I played Priest and I couldn't really heal my team mates. I had 1 healing orb that I had stacked into that barely healed 1 person and took 30 seconds to cast, a debuff that gave 1% health steal for anyone attacking an enemy with said debuff (but it genuinely never worked, unsure if bugged or what) and my only AoE (and actual healing) ability I was a ways off of unlocking. And that we were all potion dependant...
I'm a healer who couldn't heal, and that also meant I couldn't do any damage so I was playing a pointless class.

Yeah, this game has a little charm... until you have an epiphany and you recognize you ought to respect yourself more.
Geplaatst 12 augustus 2021.
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1.5 uur in totaal
Recensie tijdens vroegtijdige toegang
This is a case of the mechanics getting in the way of the fun. You want to make multiple of something? Gotta make them one of a time using the specific amount of items. You have to add said items individually 1 at a time. Mining and cutting down trees? Not an issue. You can't pick up all the resources from a single source (1 rock, 1 tree) without having full inventory, being over encumbered or you're limited to pick up a finite amount of something (3 logs, similar mechanic to The Forest).

Then understanding where to find what you need to craft further. Finding food, getting water, getting iron. The crafting and item menus are so barebones it hurts. I understand it's an Early Access game but it's current path is just dog turd. This game suffers from the same stuff Hydroneer suffers from. It's so limited it's actually restrictive, and it takes too much meticulous amounts of time and effort to achieve very little. Especially since both games use similar survival mechanics that are geared towards multiplayer (having 2+ people getting these awkward/hard to get resources to achieve the same amount or similar results). Which is ironic as it's a single player game.... you need to work on the crafting and gathering, it's anti-fun.

Oh, and the save didn't save. I saved it 3 times after an hour and a half of playing. Came back, loaded up my game file and all of my efforts hadn't been saved. It loaded from the beginning of the file I made. Really needs an auto-save....

Even for an EA title, this game is offensively lacking.
Geplaatst 8 augustus 2021.
Was deze recensie nuttig? Ja Nee Grappig Prijs
5 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
205.3 uur in totaal (164.1 uur op moment van beoordeling)
I know, I know. 164hrs played? Can't be that bad, right?

Ah, you see. Simply put, this game is gold. Unfortunately the developers keep crapping in their hands and clapping over said gold. People's inventories and characters were wiped. It took them almost 2 weeks from launch to fix. The wipe that is, over a month post release and they still haven't restored characters (because doing so would have possibly deleted other people's characters and inventories, no I'm not joking) so they're still testing.

I would get into the long list of issues this game has from balances, poor drop rates, limited drop locations, lack of content at tend game, no incentive to replay content at end game, DPS dependant end game (If you can't kill quick, you don't get rewarded - byebye to 2/3 skill tress per class) that limits build diversity, predetermined stats and mods for *every* piece of equipment. Meaning there's a finite amount of equipment, and that makes grinding for a specific piece (not even getting into the abysmal legendary drop rates) exponentially harder than it would be if you have dynamic stats (like Diablo, or Borderlands - which this game is heavily influenced by) because that piece may not even exist with said stats and said mods. So you're forced to use predetermined builds, effectively.

That's not getting onto the developers incompetence with balancing. Dropping a game breaking patch on a friday and going silent over the weekend.

Honestly, there's so much more wrong with the game that I don't have the word count or time. Just avoid it. Is it worth it's price point? Sorta? If it *worked* and it had all the features it should have released with. The gameplay and story are amazing, it has an endlessly enjoyable gameplay loop. But it gets boring fast because grinding is not rewarding. And there's not really more than 1, *maybe* 2 builds per class worth going for it you want to do the end game. And at the endgame there's maybe 4-5 dungeons you'll play for speed/ease because the others are unbalanced, times are too strict, enemies are annoying or just straight up broken.

Like I said, PCF are onto something here. But they clearly don't know what to do with it.

Avoid until it's fixed, balanced, online works, they've implemented better reward/farming systems. So come back in 6 months and ask me again. This game needed to be postponed 3-6 months to really polish it, a lot of what's wrong with it should have been caught by QA. And the fact it released as-is means they knew about the issues, otherwise they're immensely incompetent and should be avoided now, and in the future.

UPDATE: After the latest massive update/patch I can safely say we're nearly at the point this game should have released in back in April. Unfortunately the online is sorta 'meh'. They've removed the expedition timers for the end game, but the end game drops - even though they buffed them - have somehow been reverted and it feels less rewarding in terms of drops, but they have reworked one of the item shops so you can atleast gamble, or buy to rotate a loot table for the legendary items. Some of the balances has made a few more weapons and builds viable, on top of the aforementioned timers. But as I said, the online is sorta 'meh' because people only join you to be carried. It's unrewarding to play with others because you can't ascertain if they'll pull their weight, and instead be a detriment. So even though the timer has gone, it doesn't change issue with scaling or abysmal matchmaking. As well as the inability to communicate leads to a horrendous multiplayer experience still. If you can find people, that is. Game isn't worth the money still, and I'd still avoid.
Geplaatst 3 mei 2021. Laatst gewijzigd 17 november 2021.
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2.6 uur in totaal
Amazing Tech Demo. A little sketchy, but cannot wait for the full game.

Great for several playthroughs and seeing the mechanics, gameplay and a glimpse into the story this game is trying to tell.
Geplaatst 30 november 2020.
Was deze recensie nuttig? Ja Nee Grappig Prijs
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