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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 22.5 hrs on record
Posted: Apr 21, 2020 @ 9:49pm
Product received for free

Pretty good game, gameplay is simple and cohesive, corporations are implemented well and made obvious on how they work and what their advantages are, and all of them are useful in actual gameplay. Mechanics and how they work are extremely simple and easy to get into. Only problem I have with the game is progression, specifically with blocks unlocking or not. In my opinion I should be able to purchase a block I already have, be it from boxes or from enemies. It would be understandable if I couldnt purchase a block that was higher than my current grade with a corp, but having to slog through XP when I already have multiple blocks that I *should* be able to but cant buy at a post is pretty irritating. If this was intentional to encourage exploration(specifically combat) and questing or not, I cannot say for certain, but it is one little gripe I have with the game. Air to ground combat and general camera motion when I've locked on to an enemy is also annoying too. When I want to look around and see if anyone's behind me or not (especially with gang quests and or ambushes) I want to have full and free camera movement. As far as a player is usually concerned, the main attribute of locking on to an enemy is for the weapons on a tech to lock on to that enemy, such as cannons and the like. I get that locking the camera to focus on an enemy makes it easier for those not as acquainted with 3d spaces, but it's a bit too intrusive for people who want to maximize their combat performance and know their surroundings. The radar doesnt really help for knowing if someone's behind or not because all you get is a position, not what the enemy has on his tech or what kind of tech it is, be it a tanky GeoCorp tech with *a wall of lasers on it* or a literal wedge of death from Venture that will run around you. It's a good game overall, but it could use a bit more polishing. Oh, and side note, can you please not have to force people to go through the random "rotation" of blocks during building? can we not have a control scheme that allows you to rotate the blocks by axis instead? Because having to spend 5 minutes on making an armor wrap just face the right way is quite irritating and frankly annoying for anyone who wants to build something large and make it at least look good, as it lengthens the building process way too much.
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