
Qui-Gon Jinn の最近のレビュー

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記録時間: 90.2 時間 (レビュー時に8.0時間)
Mount and Blade Warband is back but updated to match today's games. If you liked Mount and Blade get it. If it looks interesting you will not be disappointed!
投稿日 2020年4月1日.
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記録時間: 550.9 時間 (レビュー時に298.6時間)
Duuuuude.. this game. IS OFF THE WALL FUN!

Not to mention a healthy eSports league. If that's your sort of thing.

If you like soccer, and cars, well soccer cars is the game for you!

Don't get discouraged if you stink right away, you'll work your way up and learn tricks, that's probably the most satisfying part of this game. Each time you hit a milestone is a confidence boost like no other.

Number one rule: Be a team player. There will always be chances to be the super star, but team players are rare and underappreciated.
Number two rule: Have fun. Don't take it too seriously unless you play competitive at a higher rank (even then remember that everyone is human).

Follow those two rules and your time in Rocket League will a grand old time.

Except Solo Standard, that's a dark toxic place, enter at your own risk.
投稿日 2018年8月3日.
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記録時間: 58.6 時間 (レビュー時に12.2時間)
So far, so good. I received the first one for free and decided to play through that to see what all the hullabaloo was about. Yeah well 50+ hours later on the first one and finishing it, allowed me to justify picking this one up. I love it.

Gotta say it really enhances on the first one. Few things changed with gameplay mechanics but nothing drastic enough to complain about, it's still Pillars of Eternity. Your choices from the first carry over to the second. NPCs will react to you in certain ways based off those. Don't worry if you haven't played the first, you can still go through and create a profile to decide the options you would chose in the first one. You just load the decision profile before you start a new game or dive in by starting fresh.

The only thing that you will really miss if you skip the first is a lot of the nuances about some of the characters or locations. THIS GAME DOES A GREAT JOB of allowing and reminding you want things mean when characters use phrases or words in dialog. You just hover over the text they are using and it tells you exactly what it is. Seriously more games should do this. There is tons of lore and content, you could get lost in it.

Can't remember the faction? Obsidian has got your back! Can't remember what the hell that word means? Obsidian has got your back!

Voice acting is off the hook! With familiar voices from Critical Role.. what I mean there's like a DLC or something that name on it..

I say if you have the time and money, play the first and then get this. (There are tons of deals)
If you have the money but not really the time, just get this and jump right in and learn as you go.
Don't have the money or time, make the time and go in debt! (not really spend responsibly and wait for a steam sale(or put it on your wishlist))
投稿日 2018年8月3日.
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記録時間: 6.7 時間 (レビュー時に4.0時間)
Mortal Kombat style fighting with the DC Universe? Count me in!
投稿日 2014年6月22日.
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