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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 1,233.8 hrs on record (264.8 hrs at review time)
Posted: Jan 21, 2022 @ 9:39am

Early Access Review
You guys remember when Riot Games was a small indie company? Yeah, if League of Legends was still an indie game it would be something like this.
If you have played league before and hated playing league but you still want to play league then...
Look no further because this is the game for you.
With the casters of the game being drafted into Riot Games and incredibly complex mechanics, you either have someone to teach you the ropes or you will die. A lot.

The game has a decent enough tutorial to help teach new players and has a lower skill floor but an extremely high skill ceiling with routing, crafting, searching, and getting rng on items.

To play this game you will need dedication to learn and understand items, to know what they do, to know what type of loot enemies drop, and with the season changes you have to remember even more. New augments, new characters, new thing to play around.

Having experience in other types of Mobas will be absurdly helpful, especially League of Legends.
Getting started with builds can be sort of challenging if the player base for one specific character is not popular, trying to understand Korean can be absolutely hell you are not told what to level up skill wise.

Some characters feel disgusting to play but they are top-tier in other regions and so they hardly get touched. Speaking of regions
Playing in NA is tragic. But worse than NA is 40% of the other servers, like South America. Honestly it's almost impossible to get games in those servers.

However the game has the same feeling of LoL, getting that high from pulling off combos on a characters, seeing interactions between the community.

The community is one of the best ones on steam, significantly better than the League one and is really responsive, most of the time. There might be a language barrier but Eternal Return IS a Korean made game after all. There will be some bias.

tl;dr - game is good play it if you have a lot of time and are willing to learn.
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