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Odeslána: 18. čvn. 2022 v 1.09
Naposledy upravena: 3. kvě. 2023 v 9.00
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Previous-version(s) here:

“Highlights” of the season 3:
This is the most broken version since Beta-1.
And it is no surprise, since (supposedly) they actually went back to season-1-version of this game but broke it even further than what it was during pre-Season-1-moment.

This is especially noticeable with the re-skinned / remaster-build’ish maps to have slew of collision problems alongside layered objects
( like cosmetic-objects and interactables on top of each other, E.G. many civilian-lockers ):
- Biggest problem being the “mis-aligned” Bluetails / “noise-birds” since they’re still using the old spawn-spot-data which makes them spawn inside ground on far too numerous spots.
- The skyrocketed amount of mineral-resource-nodes ( Veltecite, Titan, etc. ) spawning inside bedrocks and therefore are not possible to collect

- Probably the most important “change” is the mobs / PvE-creature no longer doing the line-of-sight or hearing / noise-checks before agro’ign. This means there is no longer a possibility to sneak past the mobs unnoticed, which especially descending “Tharis Island” silently impossible.

- Like before, specifically Rattlers are as broken as they used to be.
But now all the creature “ghost”-hits are no longer hidden.
In facts, all creature-projectiles clearly are shown aiming way above the foreheads of the player-models revealing that there is a invisible extended hitbox to which all their attacks gravitate towards to even when facing opposite direction;
this is most obvious with the “beam”-attack of Rattlers tepping right behind them when they wind-up their attack.
The example here isn’t the most clear, but you can see the “beam” being shop straight upwards instead of forward:

- Yes, Tharis Island no longer requires player-killing to be accessed;
2/3rd of the “campaign” still is locked away very early on if one refuses to do player killing.

The Season-pass grind has been increased while daily-cap has been lowered:
- Final rank required 2849-points instead of 1.5K
- Most importantly the max-point per 23-hours from “Jobs” is now limited to 1.5K instead of 10K.

Still managed to complete the “pass” while refusing to do any player-damage yet once again.
You can find all the related screenshots here:

Oh and, this game is obviously still in “authoritative client”-architecture without the replay / demo-files activated.
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