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2 people found this review helpful
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0.0 hrs on record
Good pack with value.
Posted November 23, 2023.
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3 people found this review helpful
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118.0 hrs on record (81.4 hrs at review time)
I like it.. solid game.. 80 hours in and hardly touched the main quest.. lots of exploration and side quests to do, it's fallout 4/skyrim in space and that's all I need..
Posted September 10, 2023.
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0.9 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Pretty cool so far, reminds me of Throne of Lies back in 2017.. liking it <3
Posted June 1, 2023.
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3 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs on record
Decent deal.
Posted February 8, 2023.
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3 people found this review helpful
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13.7 hrs on record
Didn't like the game.
Posted January 26, 2023.
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1 person found this review helpful
0.0 hrs on record
Great! No problems here, worth it!
Posted February 15, 2022.
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3 people found this review helpful
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0.0 hrs on record
Got my items right after purchasing, no problems here.
Posted February 12, 2022.
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4,347.9 hrs on record (2,327.3 hrs at review time)
I'm a veteran of MMO type games starting way back in the day and playing with Ultima Online, Asheron's Call, World of Warcraft, Anarchy Online, Rift, Aion, Archeage, Eve Online, Everquest 2, Final Fantasy XIV..

They were all fun at the points that I played them, they still had their issues and one of those really came down to the lackluster combat systems they all have. Most of the MMO games I've tried have tab-targeting and boring combats in my opinion.

I was skeptical of Lost Ark until trying the public beta near the end of 2021 until finally picking the game up with the founder's launch.

Let's get down to it, Lost Ark is one of the best MMO's I've played, it's free, it has the best combat, the best raids that I've experienced in the genre and the customization is top notch.

This game mixes a lot of cool costumes into the game, I really dig the more casual looks like jeans and street clothes, this may put some people off but I love it, I've never played a game where I can kill enemies or do a raid wearing jeans and a cute shirt.

I'm entirely f2p except I bought a founders pack at launch, and I have bought cosmetic boxes in the game's store. I say f2p because I haven't swiped to buy materials to hone my characters or things like that.. I do not consider costumes/mounts/pets as a paid advantage and they really aren't.

This is one of the most friendlier free to play games that I've played, most free to play games have predatory tactics and you feel forced to hand over your money to get any progress etc. I was never forced to spend money to level my character in Lost Ark..

The game is actually quite generous with their events and gifts they regularly give that I had no need to spend real cash to hone any of my characters which is a good thing.

Some people debate on whether Lost Ark is P2W or not, well I wouldn't be playing the game if it was P2W as I hate those types of games. Lost Ark is pay to progress faster.. pvp is equalized and the only thing paying gets you is extra materials or chances which you don't need to enjoy the game.

This game requires patience, you can't expect to have everything in one day, or even one week.. it's either have patience and just play the game to make progress or swipe for it which I would not recommend.

I've seen people talking about being banned for inactivity, this is not true.. but misinformation spread online.. the devs are actively trying to combat bots in the game and they are employing different methods so a few people were caught in a few ban-waves innocently but those have been reversed..

The people with remaining bans are either botters or rmters, also I'd like to address another issue with gatekeeping, yes there is a degree of gatekeeping mainly with raids. Some people do not have the patience to teach new players the raid and simply want a fast clear..

This is not for everyone though, I have taken new players in my groups and also there's learning discords and places you can go to seek help, finding a good guild or friends is a good start. Not everyone in the game is toxic or gatekeeping, you just hear more about the bad people and not much about the good people.

There are generally more dps characters than supports so it's harder to get into groups when there are tons of dps players, this is true for many MMO type games where healers and tanks get near-instant group joins etc.

I advise any new player to check out making a support as their first character like I originally did back in Feb 2022, you are usually more tankier than a dps character and can learn raids easier and avoid gatekeeping altogether since everyone loves supports.

There is a new support coming out next month in March, the artist is coming and that will bring three support classes to the game..

Another thing you might hear about is BOTS, well the bot population is reduced nowadays compared to what it used to be, they aren't as much of a nuisance anymore at least on my server and they are coming up with new tools and ways to fight them.

TLDR: This game has amazing combat, the best raids, the best cosmetics in any mmo-online type game... this game is not for the impatient player since building your character and roster takes time.. just enjoy the game, find a good group/guild and take it easy.. eventually I'd advise running your dailies with rested bonuses once you get multiple in your roster.

Have a good one, let me know if you have any questions or need help.
Posted February 11, 2022. Last edited February 24, 2023.
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1 person found this review helpful
121.5 hrs on record (5.0 hrs at review time)
Fun with buds.. I'm enjoying it so far.
Posted October 12, 2021.
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2 people found this review helpful
103.6 hrs on record (24.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
At first I was expecting to dislike this game and refund it, but it quickly grew on me and especially so with other friends that I play with, there's a neat feature that lets you take your skills/inventory between worlds like terraria which I love.. so you can have a home base on your local machine and go into your friends worlds as well..

This game is awesome and for only $20 with more content to come, the content already seems like a lot in the game and haven't even got to the mountain biome or further and I'm already sitting on over 20+ hours. It's challenging and fun... rewarding... the graphics style doesn't even bother me if you can get used to it.

It's good!
Posted February 8, 2021.
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