Nephrite Harmony
Not sure what that melodrama was about, but I'm taking over. Hey, how are you today? I go by Neph for short.
Important Info & miscellaneous
:HitchTrailblazer: If you don't know already, yes, I'm a G5 Brony. [] Hate me? Don't care. :HitchTrailblazer:

:SunnyStarscout: I try to respond whenever able to. The same in return isn't expected, but most appreciated. :SunnyStarscout:

:PippPetals: I don't like being trolled or gaslit, so be honest or there will be consequences. :PippPetals:

:IzzyMoonbow: I'll add / re-add you if I know you from the past. Want to friend me? Leave a reason below. :IzzyMoonbow:

:ZippStorm: If you change your name a lot, I may nickname you to keep track of who you are. :ZippStorm:

I'm an active user and contributor of the MLP G5 Pack by TitaniumSpyBorgBear, try it out why not?

Just because I'm a Brony doesn't mean I act like others. [] Don't make assumptions.

If you want to invite me to a game/stream, please ask prior. If I accept, you may send it.

:cleancake: My birthday is on June 26th. Do with that information what you will, I guess. :cleancake:

:stopping: Due to events, I need to kindly ask all who are friends to not drag me into their personal/social problems because I don't want to be a mediator of those situations. Thanks for understanding. :stopping:

Last Updated 4:30 PM Saturday, Jul. 22, 2023
level94836 2.6. klo 22.47 
Nephrite Harmony 2.6. klo 21.59 
i will not sit here and be constantly harrassed by you while i'm trying to destress and better myself, one more comment like that and i will block you
Nephrite Harmony 1.5. klo 10.35 
i will occasionally check on steam and discord during my break
rvbyy (digby) 4.4. klo 22.44 
im turning old
level94836 3.4. klo 9.32 
apology video
rvbyy (digby) 27.3. klo 0.23 
waitin for the in depth explanation