a fiókon

Mishta GwossHayums legutóbbi értékelései

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502.9 óra a nyilvántartásban (86.4 óra az értékeléskor)
This was a game that I beta tested for free, was extremely disappointed, and vowed to never touch again as it was. Much time passed, some friends picked up the game and one gifted me a copy. I probably would have never spent the money. And I would have been missing out.

Wastelanders is what changed the game for me. The NPC's add exactly what was missing to the atmosphere imo. But before I talk about what I like i'll get my points of contention out of the way.

-Storage space. they give you just enough to get by, i subbed just to get the seperate scrap storage and extra stash space.
-Camp build limit. its a budget that I do not enjoy working in. I am someone who likes to spend a few hours making a nice base but the game encourages you to make something quick and easily movable. it is a Camp and not a base, so that i understand. it just pushes against my pull if you catch my drift.

Those are my only 2 complaints. Anything you could possibly need can be found relatively easily. people have taken the time to make details maps of anything you need to find so if you're struggling you can just consult those. ive had 0 issue finding plans or resources, a problem i had before. The daily quests and repeatable events don't feel like an unrewarding bone dry grind like other mmo's ive played. the dialogue in the game is better than fallout 4. ive seen more unique faces in this game than in fallout 4. as I write this, I am level 30. I have yet to experience what reputation with the factions do but im excited to see where it goes. I like the crafting system and all the different things you can make. I dig the fact that you can earn atoms by playing at a fairly reasonable pace. The bugs ive experienced are few and far between so i dont know what other people are talking about. after level 20 you can easily fight enemies that drop weapons worth 10-20 caps each in abundance in the same areas every time, so im having -0- issues grinding caps. both robot and human vendors are EVERYWHERE.
If you want to give it a shot, give it a shot. because it seems there are a lot of biased and exaggerated reviews being pumped out. I genuinely dont know where the hate comes from as im not experiences any of the issues they are.
*EDITS* ive found some bugs since writing this: players can accidentally take items from your stash if they use your punch bowl. it will dispense something else instead of the drink you're offering.
Poseidon power plant defense events sometimes spawns enemies behind a level 3 hack lock and thus if youre not a nerd youre experience is going to be prolonged until you hit it through the wall or it glitches itself out.
I will add to this list as i experience them.

TLDR I am pretty damn happy with my FO76 experience so far and thats coming from someone you wouldnt have been able to pay to play the game before.
Közzétéve: 2020. május 10. Legutóbb szerkesztve: 2020. május 14.
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